Coues Deer


May 26, 2012
Looks like we got drawn for coues deer in Arizona.
My credit card got charged. [emoji1] Now we just have to sit back and wait to find out which of the three units we drew.

Way to go Vince!

What's the biggest Coues you've taken. I'd like a Coues hunt but im afraid I'd scare them away when I stepped on the first rattler! Ha!
That's great Vince! I don't think I drew so I'll probably try to pickup a leftover for your hunt number if they're available.
SJB358":277gsi5n said:
Way to go Vince!

What's the biggest Coues you've taken. I'd like a Coues hunt but im afraid I'd scare them away when I stepped on the first rattler! Ha!

Scotty, That is why I wear snakeboots up to just below my knees. I have stepped on a couple of those buggers (one was 6 feet long) and am still here to talk about it.

Vince that should be a great Coues deer hunt. I have always wanted to do that!
Congrats on drawing the tags. Hope I get lucky. I haven't put in for Coues as I usually go for the desert Mule Deer. I haven't hunted southern AZ sinced I ruined my right knee going after a deer I shot. In my hrry to get over the top of a ridge my foot twisted one way while my fat carcass twisted the other and no more miniscus in the knee.
Although it can still get quite hot during the southern AZ deer seasons, and I've seen 80* plus a few times I've never seen a rattler at that time. Doesn't mean they're not there. Have seen quite a few during short summer hikes though. Most would rather run away but the Mojave Greens will get aggressive. I usually have a handgun with a couple of snake shot load set to be first up. On hikes it's a 4.5/8" .44 Mag. and during deer hunts an S&W M60 .38 Spl.
Paul B.
Vince that is great news :)! Now you are going to have too tune up the new Savage 6.5X284 it is just begging to get a chance at a Coues buck!
More stories and photos, I love the fall!!!!!
Thanks all,
Scotty, I've yet to recover a coues. Put a bullet in one that I failed to recover for our five years ago and bungled a couple where I didn't even get a shot off. Those were an estimated 90+" coues. Passed on a spike after bungling a good one last year.
I'm looking to redeem myself this year. As soon as I know what unit we drew scoring will begin in earnest. I've broken in the 6.5x284 and will start doing load work in the next two weeks. I'm also doing physical exercise to be fit to hunt a wilderness area.
Got the gear, got the knowledge now, and soon I look to have a nice coues on my wall. I've chased them hard enough that I'm being a little picky.
I feel an obligation to help the others in my group fill their tags and share what I've learned. I've seen a significant improvement in my hunting since I started. Now I just have to put it in to practice.

I meant to say, scouting will begin in earnest.
I'll also add that I've had some great help. A couple of friends that are also licensed guides have helped me learn the Grey Ghost.
Vince, the 6.5x284 should be a great cartridge for that Coues deer hunt. I envy your getting that tag and wish you all the luck in getting one. When do you start practicing 500 yard shooting with that 6.5?
As soon a as I get my loaf worked up I'll be dinging steel out to 500 yards.
The rams at 500 are ready compared to the turkeys at 400. Chickens at 200 are harder than the javalina at 300.
I'll start loading after work this week.
Vince":2htbikt1 said:
As soon a as I get my loaf worked up I'll be dinging steel out to 500 yards.

What dough are you using, Vince? :shock: That must be some bread!
I'm going to try a Barnes 127 grain long range dough with a quick rising yeast.
I'm also going to try the 130gr flat base dough with a slower rising yeast. :)