Cow elk hunt


Jun 2, 2011
So tomorrow my Son and I will start hunting for his late season cow tag. We are both very excited to test out our 150 gr. PT load and fill the freezer. Only downer is we have a pretty good snow storm arriving over night that could potentially limit our visibility down to nothing. Either way we will give it a go! I will post pics if and when we are successful!
Just possibly, the snow will permit you to find the elk more readily. Wishing you every success as you venture afield tomorrow.
Good luck fellows hope you are able to connect!
Remember to have Fun,Shoot straight & most of all be safe!
Photos & story would be great!

Good luck and have fun!
The snow may work to your advantage in that it may drive them lower.
Good luck on the hunt. Mine starts in about 17 days and I'm kind of chompin' at the bit to get going. My two partners as well a myself are hoping for snow over in the Sangre de Christos. I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather hunt a cow elk than some old stinkin' bull.
Paul B.

The snow definitely helped and was not quite as bad as predicted. Dustin was successful this morning on his first ever elk. We found a herd of about 50 cows and got within about 250 yards where the Weatherby .270 Win went to work. It was loaded with our hand loaded 150 gr. Nosler Partitions. First shot was a tad far back in the liver area. Complete pass through. Second shot was a miss. Third shot was right behind the shoulder pass through. She laid down and Dustin put one right through the head. She was all but dead but we have learned with elk to keep shooting till their heads down. What a wonderful hunt and experience! A freezer full of fresh meat to boot! Top picture is my Dad, Dustin, and Myself.

Merry Christmas to each of you and thanks for the help developing this load. It looks like a keeper!

Also good luck to each of you out still hunting. It sure is a fun time of year!


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Congrats wish I could within 500 yards of them beasts!! Now I guess the work begins!! Vastly different terrain than I'm hunting.
Congrats to Dustin, he looks like a very happy guy as he should be. Looks like you guys had a great team out there to enjoy the hunt.
Congratulations to Dustin. He has provided meat--excellent meat--for the larder this year.
Thanks all, yeah he was pretty dang excited!


keep at it! Somedays you just get lucky, typically the elk we get are earned the hard way! Good luck!
Congratulations Dustin that is a fine Elk & will be fabulous table fare :wink:.
Grandpa & Dad your investment in Dustin is something very special and he is going to have this memory forever. Thank you for the story & photos!!!

AWESOME hunt brother! That's a truly awesome hunt and your boy kept after it the whole time! Way to hunt.

Merry Christmas and congrats on all that fresh protein!
Congratulations guys !

The smile on Dustin's face says it all !
Be sure you print those photos and frame them !!
A great job all, the picture tells the story. A first day elk is always a "great" thing. !!
Congrats to Dustin and his guide. Way to go fellas!

Very kind words all, much appreciated. Hunting with my Dad and or Son is one of the highlights of my life. My Dad grew up hunting with a .270 win. And as you can see, we continue to use it today. Such an easy caliber to shoot and performs well too!