Coyote season

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Coyote season just opened in the back yard tonight. I didn't use a call. I have a small white cat that must look like candy. She's accounted for 3 yotes so far. She likes to get in the furthest parts of the back property and roll in the dust and must leave a sent trail to my shop. The funny thing is she comes running to the sound of a rifle shot and follows me as I drag the critter into the woods. Funny way to hunt coyotes :wink:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
That's a great way to hunt coyotes! :grin: Good cat! A season for them eh? Interesting. Any limit on how many you can shoot? Some places there's no closed season, and no limit to how many you can whack!

Regards, Guy
Greg, I hope your cool cat can stay alive and well because coyote's do love to eat domestic cats. A farmer here in Mississippi had three cats he let stay around his barn and two went missing and he wondered what happen. Well he just got to see what happened to his last cat as one evening just before dark he saw a coyote running across his field by the barn with the last cat in it's mouth. That sure is a funny cool cat to come to the sound of the shot and follow you to the kill and into the woods with the kill. :grin:
Cool feline! Here is mine!

We lost my wife's favorite cat to coyotes when we first moved here about 6 years ago and I found the rear hips and tail up in the thick brush. There is no season or limit on coyotes. I was just talking about my personal season start on them this year. Havn't seen or heard them in about a year. I use the old farm trick of displaying the carcass next to the main trail comming up to my place and it seems to work for about a generation of yotes. I sold my 22-250 and the 223WSSM isn't shootable because the trigger is so crummy that adjusted at 4.5 #s it wants to go off on closing the bolt. I'v got a Rifle Basix trigger comming. I used the .17 HMR with a 17 gr.V-Max at about 35 yds. He did a complete sommersalt and died within 20 yds. It looked like a heart shot.
My other cat Buck (my first cat) looks like Pop's except he's 6 now and he came to the shot too. He was a kitten and with the cat when the yotes got her. We think she was protecting Buck from the yotes and got surrounded. Buck got up a tree and you can tell he remembers because the hair on his back stuck up like a razorback hog when he smelled the carcass.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin: