Crazy weather here


Jun 27, 2009
We are having an inseasonable warm winter here in Alberta . We are breaking records with warmtemps yesterday was up to +10'C . Not normal it is making for some lousy yote hunting no snow and no reason for them to be roaming much. I really shouldn't comPlain last year at this time it was - 40'C. Haha. So what's it like in your neck of the woods?
Things are no different on this side of the border, super-7. +11 high yesterday and +6 right now. We are warmer than Port Moody (Lower Mainland) about one half the time during December and January, and we are waaaay warmer than Trenton, MO where one of my daughter's lives (18F right now). There certainly isn't much snow on the ground and there certainly aren't a lot of coyotes or wolves moving to give a decent shot.
I've gotten maybe 5 snow flakes and 6 rain drops been mid 50's to low 60's with lows in the 30's one week then the next high of 36 low of 10 and then Christmas was a high of 28 and a low of -5. It's definately not normal.
I spoke to an old fella here in our little village that is 91 years old and he told me that his mother kept a record of when the lake froze up written on a beam that started in 1886 and the lake froze over this year almost three weeks later than it ever has since they started writting it down. No one around here has ever seen anything like this . We would normally have two feet of snow here and two feet of ice by this point in a normal winter. We have 6" of ice and 1" of light snow. The tempertures are running about like the first week of November in a normal season. This is a strange one for sure. It is however very good for our deer herd and the oil bill so I guess there is a flip side to everything. :shock:
Same in NY. Parents might not need a Spring vacation if this light winter keeps up. Very odd.. We did get a little skiff of snow here in Va though. It was fun for the kids till it hit 55 here today.
Here in W. MI NO SNOW! We are below 30" of snow from a normal winter YTD.
I hope we don't get our normal snow fall in the next 2 months.

We got the Pineapple Express here in the Northwest late last week. It was 55 degrees Thurday morning. All is getting back to normal, rainy and cold today, normal highs in low 40's, lows in high 20's.
All of the NW states are the same. Warmer and dryer than normal, with little or no snow at mid elevations. Could make for a busy summer for me!! Too early to worry yet but, it will be in 6 more weeks. Long range forecast show below normal temps and above normal precip for Janurary (almost 1/2 over) then normal temps and dry for the next couple of months.
Rained Monday and most of Tuesday. Temps ranged from 45-55.
Yesterday it was about 65 here.
Got up this morning and went outside with my lab, it was 32 and the wind was blowing 25 from the NW.

We need a bunch more rain.
Local lake is almost 12 feet low and at full pool it's over 27k acres.
Won't be any springtime fishing, all the boat ramps are out of the water.

Warm here too in Nova Scotia, very little snow and most lakes only have a couple inches of ice on them. Normally we would have had a couple good snow storms by now, the ones we have had turned to rain half way through. Good for the deer herd though, as the last couple of winters we had lots of snow! Cold one day and then warm for two, seems to be the trend.
Winter is now here , - 32C windy and snow. Back to normal Alberta
Yeah, and winter has arrived at last over here. It is -30 (really chilly--sweater weather) with about about 3 cm of snow over the weekend.
DrMike":2h0whv8r said:
Yeah, and winter has arrived at last over here. It is -30 (really chilly--sweater weather) with about about 3 cm of snow over the weekend.

Parents said it is -3 F in NY today.. Winter has set in I guess...
I had to turn the heat up, all the way to 15 this morning. At 10, the furnace kept coming on during the night. However, it is bright and sunny today! :grin:
Yes winter is finally here. Like the rest on here, it has been abnormally warm up to now. We are at a daytime high of -24 C and going down to -30 or so tonight.

The forecast though is for things to warm up again by next weekend and we will be back up to around -4 C during the day.

No real snow in the forecast either, just the odd flurry. Oh well, it does save on the diesel bill for the tractor though as I have not had to plow yet this winter. :)

Easy winter for the game so far.
We have had 19" of snow here since yesterday, hurricane force winds on the coast, and exceedingly heavy rain on the coast also. Winter has arrived.
I saw you fellows were getting quite a dump of snow, Bill. Stay safe and warm. My daughter is supposed to drive from the Vancouver, BC area to a wedding in Richland on Friday. I'm trying to dissuade her, but I probably won't prevail.
Have about 8" of fresh snow on the ground outside the house, and it's a balmy 13 degrees F this morning. More on the way!

I like snow. Looks like Guy & sons are skiing this weekend! Lots of shoveling yesterday. More to do today.
It is very Microclimatish around Pugit Sound. Where I live, on the border, it is cold (9*F) and we have only about maybe 2 inches of snow left. The worst areas seem to be in the Snoqualmi Pass and south of Everett to about Centralia. My son, south of Tacoma, had about 13 inches of snow (right on the sound).