CZ457 trigger time


Nov 17, 2005
Brought out the CZ457/Bartlein combo today to just get some added trigger time in, cronograph, and shoot a few different types of SK match ammo. Had the Standard yellow box, Rifle Match red box, and the Long Range Match. Shot two, 5 shot groups of each at 50 yards. Also put 10 on the 2/3 plate at 300 yards with the Long Range Match. Pretty routine what it does here. Not to bad for cheaper match ammo. Shoots all 3 about the same really. Hard to tell the difference at 50 yards. I can tell you the Long Range Match easily out performs the other 2 past 200 yards, and it's not even a comparison...

Nice shooting, I ordered 2 bricks of those SK Standard Plus for my new Vudoo build, I read that it takes about 1000 rounds to season the barrel and Vudoo relies only on Lapua and SK ammo because both are made from the same material and works best in Vudoo rifles. I decided to use the cheapest of the SK ammo to break it in and season. After 1000 rounds, I'll clean that barrel, and get some Lapua Center X , Midas Plus and different SK ammo and see what the rifle likes.
Did you get that Bartlein barrel spun on your CZ?
Nice shooting, I ordered 2 bricks of those SK Standard Plus for my new Vudoo build, I read that it takes about 1000 rounds to season the barrel and Vudoo relies only on Lapua and SK ammo because both are made from the same material and works best in Vudoo rifles. I decided to use the cheapest of the SK ammo to break it in and season. After 1000 rounds, I'll clean that barrel, and get some Lapua Center X , Midas Plus and different SK ammo and see what the rifle likes.
Did you get that Bartlein barrel spun on your CZ?
Yah they say it takes at least 500 rounds to break in a 22 RF barrel, however im not sure exactly why since most premium barrels are all hand lapped anyway. So who really knows... Anyway that SK standard is pretty decent stuff really for how cheap it is, it shoots really well out of my CZ out to 200. I will also note that my barrel hates a cold barrel and usually takes 5 shots regardless to warm up and start shooting the way it should, as can be seen by the sighter group and groups there after. Its just always been like that since day 1. Ive read a lot where others have the same exact experience with 22 RFs and cold barrels. 22 RFs are a real picky bunch...

SK and Lapua are made in the same factory, just different specs off the line really I think and put in different boxes and labeled as such. I need to try some of the Lapua Center-X, long range, and super long range one of these days just to see what it can do out of my rifle, but I'm kinda scared cause I don't want it too shoot too much better, otherwise I'll have to switch and pay twice as much haha.

Yes, I bought the Bartlein from a private party individual and had it cut for SK/Lapua ammo. Took a while to find the Bartlein as from my understanding they quit making 22 RF barrels. Not sure if they're still making them or not today, but it was worth it to me since I know how Bartleins shoot on centerfires. I'll only buy Bartlein, BRUX, or Krieger barrels.

As much money as I'm into this CZ457 now, I probably should've just bought a Vudoo. But when I bought it, it was just meant to be an in-between range toy to the centerfires cooling off. That was until I started shooting it and seeing the accuracy potential, and then going down the rabbit hole with it. Started out as the American with the wood stock and 24" barrel, to now a basically full blown 457 build...
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So I emailed Bartlein and asked about their 22 RF barrels.

They told me they don't make them for the CZ455/457s at this point anymore, but are in the works to make them again, but it's going to be a while yet.

I then asked them in a 2nd email if they're only making them for Vudoos and RimX at this time, since it appears you can still buy them with Bartleins. Waiting on a reply to that question...

Glad I got mine when I did at this point. It came from a group buy off rimfire central from Keystone Accuracy 3-4 years ago. I'd love to sell this one and get a 26" Bartlein for it, as I hate short barrels...But I guess beggars can't be choosers or something like that haha.

I found a place called Bison Tactical that claims to have Bartlein 22 RF blanks in stock for $387. They have heavy Palma contours in 22/24/26/28" lengths.

I'm going to give them a call and ask a few questions...

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