Delete please


May 4, 2011
If it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. Like many of you last year was pretty hard on my family. Things have been thin.

To help us get by I sold some guns, scopes and reloading components off to good homes.

After getting an unexpected cash blessing, I decided to replace one of the scopes I sold with a new Leupold VX3i; the week I was set to order it I was informed they’re discontinuing that series and replacing it with a more “over engineered” type of scope known as the VX3-HD.

Long story short I really want one of the simple, set and forget VX3i 3.5-10x40mm scopes with either the Boone and Crockett or Duplex reticle.

I have PayPal or can send a check.



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Wanted to give HodgemanAK a shout out.

Perfect transaction. Good fella, tops actually.

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