Does this piss you off? It does me.

I'm with ya Dub. Some unions today resemble organized crime more so than an organization focused on the protection of the worker. They're more worried about protection of the union and their perks as union officers.

I haven't heard of too many incidents of child labor abuse, unpaid overtime, or blatantly unsafe work conditions recently. Some safety issues but mostly minor exposure to risk issues.

My sister's boss asks each employee during their appraisal interviews, "Why should I retain you for another year?" "What do you do that makes you special?" " How do you help me make a profit?" Like it or not, your job and benefits are not an entitlement. If you don't like it, start your own business and have someone make money for you.

Fully off topic now. :grin:
Not only that,,,there's so much that PO's me anymore, I'm not sure where to start with the rant.
Just heard if I got it right, the moron's gave Spain 25 billion,,then Italy said,,, hey, what about us,,,, and gave them a 100 billion.
The stupidity just keeps going on.
I'm with ya Dub. Some unions today resemble organized crime more so than an organization focused on the protection of the worker."

Back in 1966 I worked as a "day worker" on the waterfront in San Francisco. My dad had worked on the "front" well before WW2 and clued me in on what happenes come payday. On frfidays after work, we stop of at the union hall to get paid. One guy pays you and you step to the next table and the "man" tells you how much to "donate" to the union. As a day worker you don't belong to the union so you "donate" on payday. One guy protested and got a one way ride to te ER. My old man tols me that for one time, keep your mouth shut and for one time I listened.
I doubt very much anything has changed.
Paul B.