Tubb Final Finish Bore Polishing System
From David Tubb, one of the most renowned rifle shooters in history, comes the Final Finish bore polishing system. By firing abrasive-coated bullets that you reload yourself through your firearm, you smooth and polish the throat and bore. This removes the rough spots and imperfections found in all firearms to greater increase accuracy and velocity and reduce fouling. The kit includes bullets coated in five different abrasive compounds and instructions. Please be aware that you must handload these bullets yourself to use this system.
I have some rifles with very few shots through them.
From David Tubb, one of the most renowned rifle shooters in history, comes the Final Finish bore polishing system. By firing abrasive-coated bullets that you reload yourself through your firearm, you smooth and polish the throat and bore. This removes the rough spots and imperfections found in all firearms to greater increase accuracy and velocity and reduce fouling. The kit includes bullets coated in five different abrasive compounds and instructions. Please be aware that you must handload these bullets yourself to use this system.
I have some rifles with very few shots through them.