Double check my logic on the gun/scope/bullet choices for my kids and I for our trip to Namibia for Plains game.


May 12, 2009
After a few starts, stops and tough conversations we're getting somewhere in the process. I'm very comfortable dialing and using ranging reticles to shoot as far as I need to and have lots of practice. So I'm good with just about any combo. My kids aren't. I'm setting them up with simple reticles and using the point blank zero method for them. My daughter was intending to use my Kimber 7-08 but it's to long for her and I don't want to cut the nice wood stock because replacement/aftermarket stocks are hard to find or really expensive. I bought a Win 70 Boyds stock at 12.5" pull and it will fit numerous guns in the safe. Probably the 270WSM with 130/140gr NAB or Hornady CX. It has a muzzlebrake and with those light pills it'll be a really flat shooter. I talked my son out of the 6x284 for Africa and he selected my 325WSM (good choice). I have a load with the 220gr Sierra that shoots 1/2moa. It's not the fastest round but has an outstanding B.C. so it carries out there pretty good. The outfitter will keep their shots under 300yds most likely under 200 anyways. I've decided on my custom 8Nosler because it really shoots well and it has never taken an animal. My load of a 175gr ABLR over 88gr of RL33 ( Rare Unatanium) scoots at 3200FPS. I only have one load to develop for the 270WSM so that won't take long. I'm in the man cave today checking on component inventory and doing some scope swapping. Do you all think I'm on the right track?
Sounds like a great hunt! Are you shooting the 28 Nosler?

Logic seems sound to me. Should be a great family hunt. Can't wait to read the stories
I think the selection is spot on. I would think the 270 winchester would be stretched a little on Eland but the 270wsm is probably up to the task. I don’t recall if eland was on her list and of course there is always the “this ain’t the states, you can shoot it if you want to”
My outfitter two years ago felt the 06 a touch light for eland if I had another rifle, 300 or better to use. I can’t think of a better plains game rifle than the 28 Nosler or a 325.
Really looking forward to your report.
So what animals have you settled on?
Still eland, sable and waterbuck for you?
I have read that many PHs prefer the 338s for eland as they are so big and tough...but the 300s seem to work well on them too.
The 300 Win Mag worked very well for my wife on her sable. As she is recoil sensitive, it was good that the rifle was suppressed and she shot it well...and at close to 15 lbs with the suppressor, big scope, and bipod, it helped reduce felt recoil even further, but was so heavy, it was good that she got to use the Bog Deathgrip tripod to shoot off of.
Your choice should work well on your chosen game.

And for your son and daughter?
Which animals are they targeting?
They must be getting more and more excited about the trip!
The 270 WSM and 325 WSM are both very capable cartridges, so should work on a wide variety of game.

Within 300 yards is very reasonable for shooting game in Africa, as of the 7 animals that Susan and I took, 2 of those were taken at 235 yards (longest distances for all of the game taken).
The springbok and kudu did provide shot opportunities at 300 and 400 yards, but weren't taken, in the open savannah, and woodland from an elevated position from the hillside, respectively.

Hope you all enjoy your adventure!

We are currently looking at our return trip too!
The planning is an exciting part of the adventure!
My wish list is Sable, Waterbuck, Impala, maybe Eland and a damn Warthog that evaded me last time. My son would like to take a Gemsbok, Hartebeest and a few other smaller animals. My daughter is after a zebra but can't decide between a Burchell's or a mountain. She is also hoping for an opportunity at a springbok and Wildebeest. Of course, if an overly large Kudo is spotted I might have to call in Dad's prerogative! I am planning on taking my 28 Nosler although Betty(my338x28 Nosler is giving me that come hither look) she's a killer at any range.
I look forward to reading your hunt report.

I’ll be heading there for the first time next year if God don’t decide to put me somewhere else by then. I’m making plans and talking with an Outfitter/PH. The only thing left to do is give him a check. He’s dealing with 2025 right now but will happily take my money in a couple weeks.

Nothing wrong with your selection.
I'm taking a 7mm Wby with a suppressor, and Dad is taking a 300 Wby. We can always swap rifles if needed.

Which outfitter are you using?
Be careful taking a wildcat without the proper headstamped brass ie your 338-28N. There is enough room to engrave ADG brass correctly.
Great point!
Some countries may require that the ammunition is also in a factory box that matches the ammunition and stamp on the rifle.

Another source for properly headstamped brass for wildcats is Quality Cartridge. You may need to send them a fireformed case fired in your rifle's chamber so they can duplicate it. I did this for my 250AI. Wasn't cheap, but worth it to me.
Nothing wrong with your selection.
I'm taking a 7mm Wby with a suppressor, and Dad is taking a 300 Wby. We can always swap rifles if needed.

Which outfitter are you using?
To whom is this addressed to?
If it’s me, Umlilo Safari in Eastern Cape, South Africa. If it’s not me then disregard. 😁
