E-TIPS or pointed TSX

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
I'm starting to think about loading some E-tips for the 300 Wby. in 180 or 150 gr. Has anyone got success stories or horror stories. Suggestions. I would have to use them on California Blacktail (140 lbs.) or hogs of about the same weight.
For your 300WBY, I'd go with the 180ET.

I use the 130ET in my 270WSM - one doe blacktail taken, and the 180ET in my 30-06 - two hogs taken. So far, I have no complaints with the E-Tips, but I haven't taken that many animals with them.
Thanks Richracer1
Did you recover any bullets? Exit hole size? I'm just trying to get a feel for what to expect.
Thanks Greg
Greg, no recovered bullets. All three animals dropped in their tracks (probably due to waiting for the best shot placement). The doe's exit wound was about the size of a quarter, didn't hit bone. The two hogs, I took out the front shoulders (oops), so there was a bit more meat damage due to all of the bone fragments. I think any bullet would due this regardless of the type.

If you don't have a Nosler manual, let me know what powder you'd like to use and I'll look it up in my #6. Remember, the E-Tips generate pressure really quick, so Nosler's mid load is max for the ET.

Also, are you still looking for some 180ABs? I have plenty of 180AB 2nds and can let two bags go.
I would also pick up some 180 Tipped TSX to ty as well. You never know, the E-Tips may not shoot worth a crap or vice versa. :)

180 gr E-Tip would work well in your 300 Wby.

I picked up some .30 180 gr A/B seconds so I'm set for the moment. I think I'll try the e-tips just because I've bad mouthed the Barnes bullets so much I'll feel like a hypocrite if I don't try the E-tips first.
It sounds like they work OK just like you said.
Keep us informed on your results.

I wish Nosler had some 338 cal 225/250gn and 375 cal 260/300gn ETs out. Then I wouldn't be out chasing hogs with my 225 TSX equipped 338RUM and eventually my 270 TSX equipped 375RUM.

I need to confirm. but I think Nosler is running 338 cal 200 fr E-Tips.

Same calibers here. I need to work up loads for them. Right now my pig gun is the 325 WSM and I'm trying TSX 180 gr. in that. I wish Nosler would make e-tips in all the common calibers like they did when they brought out the AccuBond.
Some 200 gr. 338 E-tips would be a good start. That's got to be about 3300 fps. out of the Ultramag. :shock: :twisted:
JD338":25o6sif5 said:

180 gr E-Tip would work well in your 300 Wby.


JD338, just out of curiosity, how many of your rifles and hunting loads have you switched to using the E-Tip as your main go to bullet and if so why?
JD338":x8uq9mw5 said:

I need to confirm. but I think Nosler is running 338 cal 200 fr E-Tips.


I've heard they are making for release this year, but I'll probably be out of CA shortly after that and will not need them in Idaho (at least for the time being! :x ) I also don't wish to shoot 200gners out of my 338RUM.
bullet said:
JD338, just out of curiosity, how many of your rifles and hunting loads have you switched to using the E-Tip as your main go to bullet and if so why?

I know you asked JD this, but I'll chime in as well. I really haven't converted any of my rifles to strictly unleaded bullets. I just worked up an unleaded load so I can continue to hunt in CA. My 7RUM is the only rifle I have dedicated to shoot 150 E-Tips. I'm also working up a 160AB load for it as well. My 338 and 375RUMs have TSX loads just to get them bloody. ABs are the main bullet for these two canons.
I havn't gone leadless yet either. I'm trying to dedicate 1 rifle(The 325WSM) for pigs in the lead free zone and stay with Accubonds for the rest of my hunting.
I just wish I had more information on the E-Tip as far as wound channel, penetration and guilding metal build up on the rifle bore. That is a big problem with Barnes bullets in my experience. It took me months of cleaning and reverse plating systems to clean the copper out of a brand new 257 Weatherby so it would shoot under 8 inches at a hundred yards with partitions again.I never got it under an inch and a half at that and I blame it on the copper bullets. I'm a little hesitant to ruin one of my RUMs.
Greg Nolan":11uhkacb said:
I havn't gone leadless yet either. I'm trying to dedicate 1 rifle(The 325WSM) for pigs in the lead free zone and stay with Accubonds for the rest of my hunting.
I just wish I had more information on the E-Tip as far as wound channel, penetration and guilding metal build up on the rifle bore. That is a big problem with Barnes bullets in my experience. It took me months of cleaning and reverse plating systems to clean the copper out of a brand new 257 Weatherby so it would shoot under 8 inches at a hundred yards with partitions again.I never got it under an inch and a half at that and I blame it on the copper bullets. I'm a little hesitant to ruin one of my RUMs.

I do not like the TSX and it's wound channel and especially it's exit nor the fact that many more animals run away than are dropped in their tracks unless you hit the spin. Just my experience on terminal effects using the TSX. Other friends of mine are finding out the same thing but to be fair some of my friends think they are the next best thing to sliced bread. Also, it took me two days of cleaning to get the copper out of my 300Wby and I used a can and a half of foam bore cleaner letting it set one hour each time. Nope, unless I am forced to use them again I won't. The AccuBond in my 300Win was a better killer.
I hope you guys know that the guilding metal used to make E-Tips is, I believe, the same mixtured on all of the other Nosler bullet jackets. If I am wrong some one please chime in and correct me. So with that, the E-Tips should not copper foul the bore like the Barnes bullets.

I can not comment on how any Barnes bullet performs as I have not shot anything with them. Please read my first reply on my ET performance. I am, so far, happy with them.
Richracer1":2ya92qd7 said:
I hope you guys know that the guilding metal used to make E-Tips is, I believe, the same mixtured on all of the other Nosler bullets. If I am wrong some one please chime in and correct me. So with that, the E-Tips should copper foul the bore like the Barnes bullets.

I can not comment on how any Barnes bullet performs as I have not shot anything with them. Please read my first reply on my ET performance. I am, so far, happy with them.

The E-Tips I tried in load development did not foul like TSX bullets did. They fouled more than the Ballistic tips because pressure is greater with the E-Tip but they at least did now foul my 300Wby like TSX's do. I have not shot anything with the E-Tip.
Thanks everybody.
I now have a pretty good idea of what the e-tip will and won't do. I read they were guilding metal rather than copper but there's nothing like experience and no better place to find it than on this forum.