Electronic powder dispenser


Mar 20, 2006
I am currently loading using a beam scale, powder measure and trickler. Cabela's has the Lyman 1200 DPS II on sale for $220. It automatically dispenses an entered amount of powder. Has anyone on this forum had any experience with this model? I have heard that electronic scales aren't that reliable - but maybe that just applies to the cheap ones. :?:
I've been using this dispenser/scale for the past two years. I have no reason to not trust in it abilities/accuracy. If you do get one, ensure you turn it off. A person I know left his on all the time, cause he did want to wait for the 30 min. warm-up, and had to send it back to have the keyboard replaced. Lyman did this for free.

Anyway, I hope this helps your decision to buy one, you won't regret it.
Thanks, Rich.
Helps a lot. A friend of mine bought the Lyman 1000 XP and he says readings sometimes change by .4 grains if he walks away for a few minutes. But maybe he got a 'lemon'. I'm going to place an order for one - unless someone posts a really bad comment in the next day or so.
Camo- My dad and I also use to use the RCBS balance beam scale. On a PD shoot in montana a year ago, we had to load over 2,000 shells. We thought about it and went with the lylman 1200 model. So far it works pretty dang good. It is pretty fast and accurate as any beam scale. If your loading over 50 rounds at a time, it is nice to have I think. Lyman makes pretty good reloading equipment, if anything does go wrong you would hope they would be good about fixing the problem. Anyways, hope this helps a little.
Thanks Rem Man.
I'm definitely leaning toward the Lyman model. A guy over on WSSMzone said the RCBS Chargemaster was much faster, but I have some gift certificates to use up at Cabelas and the RCBS model is $80 more than the Lyman there. :?:
I use the RCBS powder despenser. When loading 60-70 grains it takes it approx. 25-35 seconds per charge. It's normally accurate to 1/10th a grain. I do utilize a trickler though. I would say, out of five charges, I have to adjust one charge maybe two kernels of powder. That's pretty accurate......
I used a frends Lymann for som time be fore i got a RCBS Chargemaster, no regrets for geting the RCBS. Faster and not as sensetiv for motion.
I have the 1200 DPS as well, and it is accurate to within 1/10 of a grain. It is great for loading in quantity. Push the button,dispense your charge, pour it into your case,push button again and seat your bullet. By the time your bullet is seated, the next charge is ready. Keep it away from drafts and you will be fine. This includes ceiling vents for your air conditioning system.
Yes, regular electronic reloading scales can vary by a certain degree. Pop had a Lyman I witnessed, new out of the box, that was horrible. If it helps, the Benchrest crowd uses jewler electronic scales. Much more accurate and stable then your normal electronic reloading scale. They run anywhere from $180-$450.


Do you have any links to the jewler scales?Thanks for your help.

Thanks Guys. I appreciate all the comments. I've got some gift certificates for Cabela's, so I settled for the Lyman DPS 1200 II.
After using my new Lyman 1200 DPS for 2 months now - I am sold. Like someone said, you can seat a bullet while the next load is dispensing, so no wasted time. It is definitely the way to go if you are loading 20 or more.
My only dislike is the time it takes to change powders. So if I am loading 4 or 5 loads of a couple different powders, I resort to a measuring spoon and trickle into the pan on the DPS scale.