Electronic Powder Measure


Nov 5, 2015
Toying with the idea of getting an electronic powder measure. Would like to hear which one you have, why you chose that brand plus what you like and don't like about it. Also do you use it if only loading say 50 shells or less at a time. Do well with the beam just thinking about upgrading. Dan.
I have three electronic scales (GemPro 250, Sartorius, RCBS Chargemaster 1500), any of which works very well for me. Each works well for small batches of 50 or less. I'm not certain that the electronic scales are quicker than using a balance beam. You do need to ensure that there is no electronic interference from cell phones, neon lights, unshielded cables if you want accuracy and repeatability. You do need to take time to properly tare your scale, just as you do with a balance beam scale. For throwing the same charge repeatedly, the Chargemaster excels. As fast as I can seat a bullet, the scale has another dump ready to go. That is a positive. For test weights, both the GemPro and the Sartorius work for me. After some years of practise, I can almost dump the precise amount of propellant from a small silver spoon. However, that was equally true with my old 5-0-5 scale and with the 10-10.
I have the Frankfort Arsenal Intellidropper and love it. It’s accurate, and precise as verified with a beam scale. Set it to auto dispense and it throws a charge each time you sit the empty powder tray on the scale. It will spoil you.
I've been running the Chargemaster 1500 for close to ten years now and have a Chargemaster Lite which works just as well. The only drawback is once the warranty runs out, you're S.O.L. as far as getting help from RCBS. There is an outfit down by the border here in Arizona that does repair them called Lone Mountain Communications. From what I've heard, their prices are reasonable and the work well done. I can't verify that as I haven't needed their services yet, knock on wood.
Paul B.
Chargemaster 1500. I have had excellent results. I had an older RCBS model for many years. Stayed with that brand.
I have the RCBS Chargemaster Lite electric scale and hay had no issues with it.

My only dealings with RCBS electronics were 2 scales. 1st failed just after warranty ran out. They did replace it for just $35 then the 2nd one did same thing. Maybe just 2 bad ones but I gave up on them went back to using the beam. Glad to hear somebody will repair if needed. Dan.
Used the Chargemaster 1500 up until last year when it decided to pack it in. Went with the FA Intellidropper and like it so far.
Dan, I think you’ll be satisfied no matter which model you choose. All manufacturers have great quality standards. Choose the one that you think looks best on your loading bench and let her rip. Any one of them will make life at your loading bench easier.
My first was the Pact digital scale and dispenser, which work well but required two different power supplies and took up a lot of room on my bench. I've since upgraded/replaced it with a RCBS Chargemaster Lite. I kept the Pact for a backup.
available at Amazon

Pact Digital Reloading Scale and Dispenser​

I have the RCBS that was built by Pact and have used it for 20 years or maybe more. I recently got a RCBS chargemaster Lite and like it so for. It sometimes will be off 1/10 or so one way or another when checked by my 502 beam scale but it's consistent so I just adjust input to get what I want. I have even ran the old RCBS and the lite and the same time with different settings but both throwing the same on my beam.

Thanks for the info fellows. I have florescent over my loading bench. They say it can affect it so would need to reconfigure my lighting. Do any of you use these lights without problems? Dan.
Florescent lighting can be a problem as can interference from cell phones. When loading, I leave my cell phone on a distant desk. The lighting is in the ceiling, so there is no measurable interference. Florescent lighting near the scale can be a problem.
Florescent lighting can be a problem as can interference from cell phones. When loading, I leave my cell phone on a distant desk. The lighting is in the ceiling, so there is no measurable interference. Florescent lighting near the scale can be a problem.
I switched over to an LED ssystem. They were also quite a bit brighter than the the florescent lights.
Paul B.
I switched over to an LED ssystem. They were also quite a bit brighter than the the florescent lights.
Paul B.
My lights are on the ceiling so hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. There are no lights on the bench. If the overhead lights would cause a problem could change them. Dan.