Jeff Olsen
- Nov 10, 2006
- 294
- 4
Brad":w2hcpaqg said:Jeff Olsen, you can obfuscate all you want.. you KNOW the reason I took issue with your posts. It's because you're pontificating about what you have no experience with. Just as one example, your assertion a 300 Wby hurling a 200 or 335 a 210 isn't up to taking an elk past 400 yards is utterly absurd.
I've never been at the controls of a 747 so I never lecture my old man, who has, regarding how to fly one ... that's just common freaking sense.
I think that most people have no business shooting that far, and we agree on that. I think that beyond 400 yards a hunter is getting into a realm where a bullet's terminal performance comes into question, especially if it's a bullet that is also supposed to hold together at higher speeds. I think that there's a whole plateful of things that can go wrong with shots that long; the animal could move is one I don't think I mentioned but there's no point going into all that again. Having tracked wounded elk a couple times (not mine) I know for a FACT that a marginal hit with poor bullet performance is just asking for disaster on those fine animals, and I know for a fact that a 500, 600 yard shot is just begging for a hit "somewhere in the vitals" (IE, marginal) with a very good chance for poor bullet performance. And thus disaster.
And I think it's perfectly reasonable for me to question this and I DON'T think I'm pontificating. I'm pointing out reason after perfectly good reason why it's generally a bad idea with only a few very specific exceptions; the exceptions being a very qualified shooter and perfectly still game and on and on.
I'm no expert on 747's, either, but just because some guy (Yeager?) barrel-rolled a 737 or 747 (forget which) doesn't mean it's a good idea to do it regularly. Just because I've never hit myself in the head with a hammer doesn't mean I can't say it's a bad idea.
I have shooting skills considerably beyond the average hunter, not becasue I'm special but because I shoot a LOT with several different high-powered rifles. I don't doubt that you have shooting skills far beyond mine. I don't doubt that you have made some impressive long shots on game. That doesn't mean it's a good idea, or something that should be somehow "beyond discussion" on a forum like this! The fact that I've never shot an animal at 600 yards hardly disqualifies me from having an opinion on the subject.
That's about all I have to say on the subject... I really don't like fighting.