Fatal mountain lion attack!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Although I still believe man to be the most likely attacker I'll ever encounter while hiking, bicycling, fishing or camping...

Even in my local area we have bear, cougar, wolf and coyote - all of which can be dangerous.

A couple of bicyclists were attacked by a mountain lion here in Washington. One of them is dead.

https://www.king5.com/article/news/loca ... -555709031

Please be careful out there!

Yikes. Bikes do draw strikes. I’ve seen articles like that with bears. I think the see the bike as fleeing

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I'm real good about carrying a pistol when I'm on my mountain bike, but usually have nothing more than pepper spray and a folding knife when I'm riding the road bicycle.

May have to re-think that.

Bears have nabbed a few cyclists here locally over the years. Never a good situation to surprise them at high speed.

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I quit wearing elk scent when bow hunting after the lions got so thick here in Oregon. This was after the do gooders outlawed hound hunting.
Interesting, I know that area well. When I was on the job I lived about 8 miles from where the map indicates the attack occurred.
Most of that ground up there is Hancock Timber. That is the same area if you go due south to I90 a wolf got whacked on the freeway a few years ago.

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Guy I know that you spend a considerable amount of time on that bike of yours. If it was me on that bike I would be packing my handgun everytime I went for a ride (y).
It just seems that the animals have lost alot of their fear when it comes to humans.
It is too bad that incidents like this seem to be on the rise.

Ya, most of my bicycling this year has been on my road bike, pavement only. And I haven't bothered with a handgun most of the time.

The mountain bike though, I take that out into the boonies often when I ride it, and almost always have at least my compact 9mm with me, if not something more powerful. A favorite mountain-biking gun over the decades has been my 2.5" barreled Smith & Wesson Model 19, a 357 magnum. Compact, reasonably light, accurate and powerful. I'd only worry about the power level if I had to deal with a big bear.


The compact 9mm is smaller & lighter and shoots quite well, but... It's not a classic Smith & Wesson 357 mag revolver... :)

For all sorts of outdoors activities that require a lot of movement- I've went to a S&W 329 in a Gunfighter Inc. "Kenai" chest holster.

It's a light rig that I never notice and doesn't get in the way on the bike, in the kayak or wielding my fly rod. In slightly more civilized areas, one of the polymer micro 9mms or a light .38 would be nearly weightless feeling.
I regularly carry a 3” 686+ when out and about. A Glock 17 when in urban areas, and a Glock 43 when I’m somewhere I can’t carry.

I’ve been toying with getting a 460 Rowland barrel for my Glock 21 to carry in a chest holster like hogemans

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I feel I need to say this. Excluding the past and current law enforcement officers on the forum and those from Alaska like Bear and Hodgeman, all who have trained and practiced using a handgun, dont assume drawing a handgun and hitting a charging bear or lion is as easy as those who know what they are doing make it sound. I believe that in most cases, again excluding the aforementioned type of individuals, that one is better off using spray and believe me that also has its drawbacks, like wind. Just idle thoughts from the peanut gallery
Europe":zktf9ist said:
I feel I need to say this. Excluding the past and current law enforcement officers on the forum and those from Alaska like Bear and Hodgeman, all who have trained and practiced using a handgun, dont assume drawing a handgun and hitting a charging bear or lion is as easy as those who know what they are doing make it sound. I believe that in most cases, again excluding the aforementioned type of individuals, that one is better off using spray and believe me that also has its drawbacks, like wind. Just idle thoughts from the peanut gallery

Good thoughts. Whatever weapon is chosen for self defense, even pepper spray, it's imperative to train.

I've been carrying my Springfield Armory XD-40 sub-compact in a Black Hawk CQC holster or Alessi ankle holster. I carry all the time.

April is correct too and if you don't practice you won't be very quick or effective with your pistol.
mjcmichigan":a4cna333 said:
Sarah Palin had Kate plus 8 up to Alaska and had some range time set up. The 12 gauge worked.

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Cool video! I hadn't seen that before. Sarah can shoot. And yes, the 12 gauge beat the snot out of the paper target! :mrgreen:
