favorite powder for 7x57 w 140gr


Nov 5, 2015
Bought my son a Win. Mod. 70 in 7x57 that likes H4350 with 140 gr. Nosler BT and Sierra 140 gr. SBT. Guy and others are saying H4350 is getting hard to find and I have about a 1.5 lbs. left. Haven't bought any for awhile so was wondering what other powders you folks like for this bullet weight? Thanks, Dan.
I have 2 7x57's that I use IMR 4350 with. I know it's a little more sensitive but it works well enough for me.
I only have experience with 1 7x57 and it belongs to my son in law, but last summer we worked with it and I used what I had available that I used for working up loads for my daughters 7mm-08 and 140 AB's..Three powders made the short list and on the top was H4350 followed by Norma 204 and RL-19..If I couldn't get H4350, I wouldn't hesitate to use 204 or RL-19 and although I didn't try it, I'd assume IMR 4350 would be right there in the same ball park..I'm sure there is a bunch of others that will work fine, it doesn't seem to be a "powder picky" cartridge. But, again, my experience is limited to the one rifle and only trying what I had laying around.
I'll start out by saying this was a Loong time ago, but my M93 Mauser sporter shot IMR4320 very well with 139 Hornady bt's.
I got good velocity and very good accuracy with W760 and the 140 gr. Ballistic Tips. Also some interesting results with Re17 and 150 gr. LRAB's. Still working on that one. I also have another test series set up that I have not been able to get out and shoot using H4350 and the 160 gr. Speer Grand Slam. Might try them for an elk hunt later this year if they work out.
Paul B.
Another one that might be worth considering H414..Went today with her 7-08 and its showing a lot of promise. Speed and accuracy are there with 140 AB's...I think it should do good in the 7x57...
I worked up a load for a friends 7x57 and IMR 4350 with 154 gr Hornady Interlocks was really accurate and deadly on deer.
Thanks for all the feedback so far. Tried R-19 and gun didn't like it at all. 2-2.5 inch groups. H4350 groups 5/8 inch. at 100 yds. benched. Thinking about H414. Gun does like Hornady 154 interlock with the H4350. Anybody try either H4831 or IMR48331 with 140 grain bullets?
hunter24605":3tgnki4c said:
Another one that might be worth considering H414..Went today with her 7-08 and its showing a lot of promise. Speed and accuracy are there with 140 AB's...I think it should do good in the 7x57...

H414 and W760 are just different lots of the same powder.
Paul B.
Think I'll try the H414 next and if that don't work maybe IMR4350 then R17. I like having different loads with different powders in case one isn't available. Have several rounds loaded but using H4350 in three different calibers the powder locker is getting bare of this powder. Thanks again for all the info. Dan.
My son and I tried some loads with H414 140gr. Nosler BT today. 48 grs gave about 3/4 in group not quite as tight H4350 does but plenty good enough for deer load. Nice to have a alternative powder. Dan.
wvbuckbuster":1dc85cfx said:
My son and I tried some loads with H414 140gr. Nosler BT today. 48 grs gave about 3/4 in group not quite as tight H4350 does but plenty good enough for deer load. Nice to have a alternative powder. Dan.

I loaded that bullet with W760 for 2800 FPS. I did reach 2850 but bolt lift started to get slightly sticky. W760 and H414 are the same powder, just different lots. Accuracy from my M70 FWT ran from .50" to .75" depending on how well I was shooting on any particular day. That same load was MOA in a Ruger #1A but was too hot for my custom Mauser 7x57. I won't give he load as it's way past max in any load manual I have.
Paul B.