FF queston


Dec 2, 2010
I took the wood stock off of my Ruger and sanded it down so a dollar will slide down until it hits the front of the action. My question is, does it have to be a smooth slide the entire length of the barrel? There are a few spots that are a little tight but the bill will still slide through. Thanks
I am not quite sure I fully understand what you are saying.

You want the bill to slide the entire length of the barrel channel up to the action. Keep in mind that you will want to seal the exposed wood to keep moisture from getting in and swelling the wood.

JD338 pretty well hit that one on the head. A little attention now will save a lot of grief later.
As long as you can slide the dollar all the way to the action after you re-seal the barrel channel it should be OK. Since the barrel doesn't touch the channel it won't make much difference if the clearance is equal but make sure the dollar bill isn't actually moving the barrel away from touching the stock as you slide it. Especially at the muzzle end of the stock.
I always take out enough wood to allow the bill to slide freely after I seal the wood. 80 grit sand paper wrapped around a short length of 1/2" diameter plastic PVC pipe will do the job in a snap. Sand enough to leave room for your sealant of the wood. Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil works great for this. Put a light coat on with your finger rubbed in good. Let it dry over night or all day. Steel wool it lightly and put another coat on and let dry and you should be good to go.