filled my spring bear tag


Mar 13, 2005
Last day of the season got a beautiful cinnamon colored bear , body skinned w/out the head weighed 155 lbs, so I'm guessing a 250 lb bear.

One shot with the 35 whelen 250 Partition- dropped it on the spot. high shoulder shot, brok both shoulders and creased the spine.

I just wondering if it would be worth having a rug made. really nice pelt, nice claws.

I will try to post some pics in a couple of days

Congratulations on your bear!
The 35 Whelen is a great caliber for bear and the 250 gr PT did the job.

I used a 225 gr PT in my 35 Whelen to kill a 250 lb bear a few years back. Same shot placement dropped him on the spot.

Congratulations on your bear. The cinnamon coloured bears are lovely, and they can be beautiful rugs. The 35 Whelen is a great cartridge for bear, and it sounds as if you made a great shot.
Congrats! Heck yeah - I think a rug would be great!

Then again I'm the guy who had a big coyote turned into a rug some years ago... :oops:
If the fur is in good shape, I say yes on the rug!
I got a beautiful chocolate brown phase blackie quite a few years ago. About the size of yours. We have been able to find a wall to fit it on in every home we've had - you can't do that with the big guys. I don't think you'd regret it. All trophies that make it inside the house are worth as much or more for the memories and stories they bring out as for their actual appearance.

Congrats! :grin:
Congrats on your bear. I shot a similar color phased black bear with my 35 Whelen a few Falls ago. I had the hid soft tanned and plan on draping it over a couch in my den. It was actually fairly inexpensive and looks like a traditional hide, without an actual skull in it. It looks really neat, and is an affordable way to get the hide in doors!

Glad you used the Whelen. I would hunt anything with a 35 Whelen and a 250gr Partition! I am using the Speer 250gr Hot Cor right now. In my CDL I am getting 2575 and getting MOA groups out to 300. It is a truly awesome cartridge. I know people love the 30-06, but the Whelen is a huge step up in performance in my eye, with its bigger bullets and very similar trajectory! Can't wait to see some pictures. Scotty
Great bear. Looks like it will make a great rug. Another score for the Whelen! Scotty

Beautiful bear! Yes, he will make a beautiful rug.

you'll find thats about a 300 pound bear, unless your a dwarf, I've weighed a bunch and thats no 250 pounder.
I'm 6'1 200lbs- so I'm no midget. Yep the Partition went through after hitting all that dense bone 2 shoulders, spine, layers of fat and flesh and hide. John sure knew a good thing when he created the Parttition.
Yeah, I think most of us could be pretty happy with PT's in all of our rifles. I know I wouldn't ever complain! Scotty
Way to go on filling the bear tag! I had one as well but a lot was going on this year and I was unable to go even once. Oh well, theres always the fall.
took a friend fall bear hunting in the same spot I got my bear, its a well used trail that bears have always used. We did not get anything the 2 evenings we watched the trail, but huge tracks so I barrowed a game camera. There is a big black bear with lil tiny ears that makes mine look like a cub. The only problem he is moving between 11pm and 3am. I guess thats why the big ones get big.

Maybe once the weather cools this big bears habits will change.