Finally found a good load for my Model 7 7mm-08


Nov 19, 2010
After shooting up $50 bucks worth of 120gr BTips and 140gr Accubonds, I tried some 139gr Hornady softpoints. With the 120s and 140s I never got a group better than 2-3 inches and I tried a bunch of different powders. With the 139s I loaded up 5 each of 3 different weights of Varget and two of the 3 shot under 1/2"! Im glad to finally be getting good groups with this rifle. I was ready to wrap the stupid Model 7 around a fence post a few times. I really wanted to shoot the Ballistic Tips or Accubonds though. I guess I can always play around with it later but at least it should be ready for the 1 antelope and 7 deer tags I have to fill! Ill try to put up some pics later if ya'll want to see them. At least my 243 is shooting 95gr Ballistic tips without much trouble. Thats the next project to finish.
You'll find the load you want in time. In the interim, there is nothing wrong with the 139 g. Hornady SP. I've taken many good sized whitetails and mulies with the 139 g. Hornady out of my .280. The Model Seven can be a bit persnickety. It is not infrequent that it is necessary to bed the action before you see the same accuracy you would out of the Model 700.
Nice shooting DT! Sounds like the rifle really likes that 139 BTSP. No reason that bullet won't work excellent at 7-08 speeds. Now, go put one into a few jugs for us! Scotty
Way to stay with it! ..and I am sure you learned an awful lot in the testing. It an incredible feeling when all your hard work finally gives a happy result. I have spent so much more than $50. on a few that I am embarrased to say, but I sure did learn the triggers on those rifles :)

Great Job Deertracker. We want to see pics of all those deer after season.
Yeah that can be frustrating...the first Accubonds that I tried in my 25-06 were a disappointment. If my groups had been any larger they could've applied for their own zip code. But the B-tips and Partitions shoot wonderfully. Go figure. Way to stick with it. I went through three or four different powders and bullets before I could get something to shoot in my brother-in-law's 300 RUM a few years back, that cartridge is the SUV of fuel efficiency in the gun world!

Way to hang in there. Glad you found a load.

Yes, staying with it and working for it will pay off more times than not. Good job.
I had a M7 in 308 that also shot no better than 2" groups with accubonds, ballistic tips, and x bullets. What a dissapointment! I loved how short and light it was to carry in the mountains but couldn't live with the inaccuracy. FWIW, I loaded up a bunch of 129 SP for my dad's 6.5x55 and 150 BTSP for his 30-06 and they both shoot excellent and should work just great for deer. I think you'll have no problem with the 139 Interlock in your 7mm08.
thanks guys. It is satifsying to finally be able to say, "That's the load!" Im in the process of moving into a new house but I'll try to remember to take a few pictures tonight if I remember to get my camera out of my other pickup.
I feel your pain! I went through the same thing with my 300 WSM before I got a load worked up for it. Those bullets will do just fine.
It took me the whole summer to find a load for my 300WSM last summer also. But here are the pics. I finally found time/remembered.

DT, those look pretty nice to me. I can't imagine that 139gr Hornady isn't going to work well at 7-08 speeds. Looks like a perfect deer killing combo. The 7-08 is one of the other 7's that has always interested me a bunch, but I still haven't found the one I want just yet. Great work on load development. Scotty
Way to stick with it!

The 7mm-08 is a very sensible cartridge IMO. I load 42.5gr Varget with the 139gr SST in my bud's Rem 788 and get groups that mirror yours at 2740fps out of his 18.5" barrel. He is a one-rifle man and has harvested many, many whitetails with this set-up. What else could you ask for?

My BroinLaw and nephew both have XS-7s in 7mm-08 and I use 40gr of IMR-4064 under a Speer 130gr Hot-Cor. I was looking for a soft-shooting, accurate load and found this one to be very effective. MV = 2730fps. You cannot tell the difference between these two Marlins when you compare targets. They're quite satisfied.
The 7mm-08 is one of my favorite calibers and shoots just about anything you feed it. I have some 154 grain round nose bullets that I am going to try and work a load up for as a fun little brush load in Minnesota this year.
I'm new here guys , this is my first post . Scotty told me you guys are testing bullets , and that prompted me to join your forum . I've got a few jugs saved up and I'm heading to the range in a few days . this 139BTSP is one I'm going to test . I'll post results .

the hornady 139 BTSP is what I use in my Tikka 7-08 . I use IMR 4064 powder with a muzzle velocity of about 2850 . it is absolutely devastating on Pa whitetails . you'll be fine using this . Jim

Welcome to the forum. Always good to have another aficionado to share the exchange of gun related knowledge, trivia and speculation. I really like the 139 grain Hornady BTSP; it has accounted for a good number of mule deer and whitetails for me here in northern BC. I have used it for quite a few years in my .280 with good effect. I don't recall any deer walking away from it.
Hey Jim- Welcome aboard buddy! I would love to see your ladder tests posted over here too! I think alot of the folks around here would enjoy them alot and also like the process you used for them. I have been meaning to try it out with something, but I have been a chicken so far!

Again, great to have you. I know you are going to like it here, being the terminal tinkerers and hunters we are, this place is great! Scotty
Dr Mike , and Scotty thanks for the warm welcome . Scotty knows me a little from another forum . I just love this stuff . I like to share ideas and info . I learned a long time ago that I can always stand to be a little smarter . I've looked around here a little and I like what I see . I hope to be around for awhile . thanks again boys . Jim
I don't think that any of us here are experts, but we do have a thirst to know and a willingness to learn from one another. You can't find a better motivation for sharing information. I think you'll find an honest exchange of information without personal abrasiveness or ad hominem attacks.