First Accubond Harvest


Aug 4, 2005
I finally got the opportunity Friday afternoon to see what the 110gr AccuBond from my 25.06 would do on game. I have to say i'm very pleased with the on game performance of this bullet. My daughter and i got in the stand at 5:30 and at 5:45 this 7 point buck walked out at 125yds. When i squeezed the trigger the buck fell in the scope and was anchored on the spot. He was quartered toward me and when we approached the buck first thing i was looking for was an exit hole which i clearly saw as i got closer to the deer. The bullet went in the front shoulder and exited about 4" behind the opposite shoulder with no bullet recovery. I wanted to take some pics of the bullets performance especially the internal damage but time just didn't allow for that so i'll try and describe my findings best i can. The entrance hole in the hide was the size if a pencil and the exit hole was about the size of a dime. What i found once i pulled the hide down was awesome to say the least. Just under the hide on entrance you could actually stick your fist in the hole that was in the shoulder but i have no doubt most of that was because of all the bone it hit. I then stuck my hand in the body cavity to see what the hole going through to the exit side was like and it was about a 1" dia hole and the vital area and everything around it was mush to say the least. However, the hole in the skin on the exit side was still about the size of a dime same as in the hide and i haven't figured out yet how that could be with the 1" size hole going through the deer. My take on this bullet is that it did exactly what Nosler claims it would do. It's very accurate, has controlled expansion and deep penetration. It also holds together well and destroys everything in it's path before making an exit. Thanks Nosler for designing another great bullet, i will definately continue using the AccuBond and highly recommend it to anyone.
Two things,

You couldn't have done that without your daughter. I cried when my pigtailed hunting buddy went off to the Air Force. This will be my first season without her. I hope my scope windshield wipers come in b4 season opens.

........."destroys everything in its path before making an exit"
Sounds like two or three of them blamed hurricanes we had here in Texas & Louisiana & Alabama & Mississippi & Florida this fall.

Awesome WhiteTail !!
nice buck, and encouraging report

I shoot the 110 gr. AB in my 25-284, under 1" groups & 3180 fps avg.

good shooting! :grin:
Very nice to have such a great hunting partner eh? I sure would like to hear her story of how Daddy shot the big buck.

Yesterday I made my first kills using 150 grain Accubonds in my T.C. Encore .308( factory seconds). Both deer were med sized spikes weighing in at approx. 150 lbs. The first deer was shot at about 90 meters and the last was at about 150 meters. Both deer were double lunged and neither ran more than 50 meters before dropping. Both shots were pass thrus. I can't wait to try these bullests in my Encore 25.06. I changed from the 150 grain Ballistic Tips because I wanted Partition type performance with ballistic tip accuracy. 8) I hunt in Eastern NC. (Fayetteville-Lumberton)