First attempt at webbing a stock didn't go so well.


Jun 3, 2007
However I'm not sure I'm upset with the results, the paint just never got thick enough to make a webbed pattern. I was a little bored with my .35 Whelen's gray stock, I had tried selling this rifle a couple of times to fund other projects but never got a serious buyer, and it went to auction and never received a bid. So the money came for the other projects and I decided to paint the stock to make it look a little better.







It's not what you were looking for, but it is an interesting pattern.
I don't see a thing wrong with that. I'll bet some of the best stuff the world ever saw was not what the inventor was trying to come up with originally, but turned out to be extremely useful anyway. Keep it and shoot it!
I'm not disappointed at all in how it turned out, it just wasn't what I was shooting for. If I get tired I'll change it, that is the nice thing about synthetics.
I don't think the critters will be critical of it. Don't know what you used for equipement, but Webbing without the proper paint gun just aint as easy as it looks. Doing hand work, takes some practice. Dedicated webbing guns are generally left set to pattern once the patterns decided, for as much as color change. Been my experience in the fiberglass industry anyhow. Your's would suffice for me to breakup the outline, even if not a classic pattern! One can always strip and try again if not happy otherwise.
Beats the heck out of my paint jobs. I like it. Keep it up and you will come up with something you like also !!!
I thought it looked great as the Gray Ghost! Hard to believe someone didn't snap that up when it was for sale. Great rifle.

The new paint job looks good too. Might not be what you intended, but it looks good.

So I watched my gunsmith web a stock yesterday. They use a webbing chemical and add it to the paint. Turns a small air painter into a silly string gun. It was pretty cool to watch.
G'Day Fella's,

Taylorce1, I've seen worse paint jobs!
It may have something to do with the temperature of the paint?

Hope that helps
