First eastern Oregon bull


Jul 28, 2007
Opening day the 340 hammered us both pretty hard,damn scope. Have to call him a 2x4, broke off on both sides. Then the work began. But it was all downhill. 250 AccuBond, 86.5 imr 7828, 518 yards. Now I'm back to waiting for next year.


Excellent! Beautiful animal. Waiting for next year with a freezer filled with elk isn't a bad thing! (y)
Not the best rack but still a nice looking animal and some good eating there . Thanks for sharing.
He was definitely hit with Thors Hammer :wink:.
That is sure going to fill the freezer for you hopefully until next season!!
Thank for the photographs & post!!

That's a bull I would be proud of any day! Looks kinda cool too. Elk in the freezer.... Yup, that's good. CL
Nice bull congrats. Sounds like you didn't like the experience almost as much as the bull :) the magnum eyebrow can be pretty painful at times...........
That's a weapon I have never fired. I have shot the 8mm Rem Mag and .338 Win Mag plenty as well as several of the other Weatherby magnums.

I bet that is a hell of an elk rifle. Sounds like she likes to get up close and personal with you though.

Good job!

Thanks for sharing -

There's a lot of character in that headgear. I like it!
Congrats on your hunt.


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Distinctive bull; cool cartridge!

I know what you mean about waiting for next year. Trigger pulls are such a let down that way...
A great looking bull, you will remember this one for a long time. Coming from the "wet" side is a different hunting experience. Again congratulations.