First Elk Harvested


May 12, 2005
Well, it was a great to get back home to south-eastern Idaho. Got invited to spend a week with my uncle and his hunting party chasing cow elk. Got my first elk ever opening night. Sorry, no pictures. I was using my Win 270WSM loaded with 160gn Partitions (makes it even better harvesting w/hand loads). She was about 75yds from me, slightly quartering away when I let her have it. Entry hole was the size of the bullet and the exit hole was about roughly between the size of a quarter and a fifty-cent piece. SHe went about 40-50 yards then went down. Wow, was I excited. Heart rate went from around 80 to 200 when I first saw her on the side of an old logging road that I was slowly/quietly walking down.
Now you're infected. You'll experience the symptoms for the rest of your life. An itching to go elk hunting again and again. A burning desire for ever bigger bull elk and a failure of your immune system to resist planning future elk hunts. Man, you've got elk fever now. Thank heavens there's a cure but it has to be admistered annualy and involves long trips to beautifull far away places. :grin:
Congratulations Richracer! mean you actually have to shoot an elk to be infected? I must have a mild case then, this is my fifth year at it, haven't shot one yet, but I start planning next year on my way out of the woods the last day.

dsnook":20z1zyfl said:
Congratulations Richracer! mean you actually have to shoot an elk to be infected? I must have a mild case then, this is my fifth year at it, haven't shot one yet, but I start planning next year on my way out of the woods the last day.


I hope in five years you've at least shot one elk. This was my second time hunting in my life. Albeit a cow, but never the less an elk. Yes, it is some very fine eating.