Glass for a Montana


Dec 14, 2008
I'm thinking about picking up a Kimber Montana next trip home, in either 7-08 or .270 Wizzum, and I'm curious as to what glass you fine fellows might pair with it. I want something light and reasonably compact. I'm thinking about mostly Leupolds... VX3 2.5-8, 3.5-10 ( both x40), VX2 2-7, or FXII 6x36 or FX3 6x42. What say you?

Take a look at the Leupold VX-3 2.5-8x36mm.
Small, compact and very bright!

The Leupold glass is very good. I will be buying another VX3 in 3.5-10 X 40 in a couple of months for my 9.3 X 64. Being somewhat more aged, I find that I need all the help I can get, and the 3.5-10 X 40 is more appealing to me that is the 2.5-8. I will say, however, that my 2.8 X 8 is light and handy, however. Consequently, you are certainly looking at a couple of great cartridges.
Thanks, guys. Obviously, I'm right in line with your thinking.

Just looking on Leupold's website. Listed weights:
VX3 2.5-8 11.4 oz
VX3 3.5-10 12.6 oz
FX3 6x42 13.6 oz
FX II 6x36 10 oz
VX II 2-7 10.5 oz
Less of a spread than I thought there would be. and I didn't see the 6x42 being the porker of the bunch, but it makes sense, what with the largest objective.

FWIW, I have had no problem using the standard duplex in the 2.5-8x32mm with the scope set at 8x to hold on a 6" black bulls eye at 500 yds.
This scope is also available with the B&C reticle.

I'd recommend the 6x36 fixed power Leupold for the Montana.

Am running a 6x36 on my .30-06, and a 6x42 on my .25-06 rifle. Both are general-purpose hunting rifles and the scopes have worked out real well. Longest shot I've taken on a mule deer was 400 yards with the .25-06, the 6x was not a handicap and the venison tasted great. It was just a long walk over to get it! :grin: The 6x scopes have also worked well at closer ranges. I like the simplicity of the fixed power scopes.

I'm a bit jealous of your Montana... They're pretty slick!
Yeah, Guy, I hate it when I whack something so far away that I get tired going to get it! :)

Don't be too jealous, I don't have it yet. I'd love to be able to find one in .260 or 7 WSM... the only reason I'm thinking .270 is that I think I can fry the barrel faster so I can put a 7 WSM tube on it. (In my dreams I'm home enough to shoot that much!)
Guy, is that scope working iniside 50 yards? Can make more than just hair?

Guy Miner":3gz8e83t said:

Am running a 6x36 on my .30-06, and a 6x42 on my .25-06 rifle. Both are general-purpose hunting rifles and the scopes have worked out real well. Longest shot I've taken on a mule deer was 400 yards with the .25-06, the 6x was not a handicap and the venison tasted great. It was just a long walk over to get it! :grin: The 6x scopes have also worked well at closer ranges. I like the simplicity of the fixed power scopes.
JD338":3gz8e83t said:

FWIW, I have had no problem using the standard duplex in the 2.5-8x32mm with the scope set at 8x to hold on a 6" black bulls eye at 500 yds.
This scope is also available with the B&C reticle.

I'm right there with Guy. The 6x36mm or 6x42mm are both great scopes and I have not felt handicapped at very close distances or far ones. If I were a variable kind of guy, and I'm not, that 2.5-8x36mm Leupold would sure be sweet on the Kimber and would not look out of place nestled on top of it!
I have the 3.5x10 VXIII (I would get the B&C reticle) on my 270WSM. Great scope, a hair bigger than the 2.5x8 but it serves well with the 10X on the top end and seems to have plenty of low end. Can't think of a much better set up for a flat shooter. That Kimber is a slick rifle. Scotty
beretzs":3g0ka8q1 said:
I have the 3.5x10 VXIII (I would get the B&C reticle) on my 270WSM. Great scope, a hair bigger than the 2.5x8 but it serves well with the 10X on the top end and seems to have plenty of low end. Can't think of a much better set up for a flat shooter. That Kimber is a slick rifle. Scotty

I have an older Vari-X III 3.5-10x50 on my M70 270WSM. Been great for me, the VX3 is even better.
Yeah, I have a VX III 3.5-10x40 on my sporter weight Swift, and I like it quite a bit.

What I'd really like is for Leupold to come out with a VX II 4-12x40 without AO. I'd yank the 3.5-10x off the Swift and put one of those on in a heartbeat, and move the 3.5-10x to something else, probably my .25-06.
Well, the good news is that I didn't buy any guns this trip home, mainly because the two places I looked didn't have any, though I was awfully close to, uh, pulling the trigger on a couple of Model 70s. The bad news is that I bought four new scopes. Another 4-12 Redfield, a 3-9 Zeiss Conquest, a 4.5-14x44 Conquest, and a 4x32 Conquest. The last two are coming from Cameraland. The worse news is that my pile of unmounted scopes is growing. :(


Break time is over, time to get to work! :mrgreen:
Nice assortment of glass.

Yeah, JD, I'm gonna have to schedule some vacation time just to mount scopes! :?
BK, if you are having trouble finding the time to get your scopes mounted and rifles shot, let us know, I am pretty sure we would help you out! Scotty
BK, just another thought on your scope ideas. I've got a Kimber Montana in .300WSM and mounted a Kahles 3X9 with Leupold Rings. The power seems for me to be a very good match. I'm sure it would work for the the 7-08.
beretzs":2e58ig43 said:
BK, if you are having trouble finding the time to get your scopes mounted and rifles shot, let us know, I am pretty sure we would help you out! Scotty

Thanks, Scotty! You're a giver, that's what you are!

I actually think the job I'm currently on is starting to wind down, so along with the extra disposable income getting more scarce, the time at home might increase. Really need to get my son set up with a .223, a .243 and a 7-08 before the extra cash goes away.

It's OK that a 20 month old has a varmint rifle, a deer rifle, an elk rifle and an AR, right?
It's OK that a 20 month old has a varmint rifle, a deer rifle, an elk rifle and an AR, right?

Why'd you wait this long? You are at least 24 months late!
He did have an AR lower before he was born, so I guess I'm covered there... :)