Good bye

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My first post in this thread @noslerpartition , I have never even looked into the part of the forum until now.
I do not participate in politics or religion sections of forum...I am here for the guns, shooting and hunting.
The exception is this single post for you.

You have had a warm invite to stay...IT Is Your Call.
Personally, I do not make hunting and shooting decisions based, little alone forum posts based on any press conference or any world ruler.
Exactly Ernie, amazing how some people expect every other person to agree with them. It is also why I leave the religion and politics out of the shooting sports. I am here to learn and help others that share my interests in shooting. I refuse to expect them to run out and shoot or or do as I do, but if I'm attacked by one, I won't take that as how everyone on any forum is responding to me. I will always speak my peace, and be done with that individual, I will never treat the masses as if they were the same individual, this would be very narrow minded ang insulting to those who share my beliefs. Together we learn, I've had more than one experience where after my first response was the opposite, it became at least in part on the same line after some reasoning.

Trust me, no matter who we are are there are many here who agree with me and probably as many who don't. I'll ride along and ride the river with those that enjoy the same ride, and steer clear of those that don't, letting them take their own ride.
This is sad. I remember when my Church's missionary came back from the USSR in the 70's when Putin was KGB. They maimed Christians as a matter of policy. My Dad had friends killed on his airfield in Korea by communists flying Russian MiGs. I visited East Berlin when the wall was up, went thru Checkpoint Charlie. Saw how broken the people and the buildings were, I have Ukrainian friends who are trying to get their parents to safety here.
We can thank FDR, a crook who extended the depression, and Truman for the mess with communism today as they failed America by giving Russia a seat at the table after WWII.

I’m of the opinion that you don’t bring your enemies, communists, to the table or break bread with them.

We can thank FDR, a crook who extended the depression, and Truman for the mess with communism today as they failed America by giving Russia a seat at the table after WWII.

I’m of the opinion that you don’t bring your enemies, communists, to the table or break bread with them.

I think when you get into making decisions that effect the whole world, things can get more complicated than we would like... I have my beefs with FDR but much less study on him. As far as Truman, after reading hundreds of pages of info on him, I believe he was trying to do what he honestly thought was best for the American people. I think he was principled in a way that is rare among politicians. Did he do what was best, certainly not all the time, but on many points I just can't say that I knew any better than he did, even with the advantage of being able to look back at his presidency as history. When I immerse myself in the complications of prospective nuclear war when it was still in it's infancy, honestly it is mind boggling trying to solve the problems of the time.

What we wish we could have, and what we can actually get in the world are vastly seperated perhaps nowhere more dramatically than politics. This makes things very complicated.
I just watched the press-conference.

Sorry, but if you back your current president, we don't have common ground.
Ok, I'll play just this one time.

1. I'm not a Trump fanboy. I agree with him on some things, disagree on other things, and I think he's a jackass, personally. So let's get that out of the way.

2. I have 2 uncles who served in Vietnam, special forces stuff. My family has been killing commies for a long time. When I came of age in the 80's, "The Bear" was still the threat on the horizon, and as a military intelligence officer I had to study their doctrine and tactics in order to do my job. I am not now, nor have I ever been, under any delusions about the kind of man Putin is. You don't get to be a colonel in the KGB by being a nice guy.

3. I genuinely feel sorry for the Ukrainians in this conflict. They are fighting against overwhelming odds and doing a great job of it. Personally,I hope they are able to find a way to win.

Now, let's look at the other side of the coin.

1. Europe as a whole has taken advantage of the US for decades in failing to meet their required defense spending quotas per the NATO treaty. They are supposed to spend a minimum of 2% GDP towards defense, and virtually NONE of them have been meeting that goal...FOR DECADES. Instead, they have chosen to spend their money on social welfare programs for their citizens and even for millions of refugees. Meanwhile, the US is spending well above their NATO commitment on defense. WWII ended long ago, why should our taxpayers be subsidizing the defense of Europe 80 years later?

2. Europeans, and especially the Germans, should look straight in the mirror to see who is responsible for Putin's war machine. Angela Merkel and the other EU leaders wanted that cheap Russian gas, so much so that they built not one but two pipelines to get it. What did they think Vlad was doing with the money? Sending it to starving kids in Africa? Oh, please. Every artillery shell, bomb, drone, and tank that is being used in Ukraine was bought and paid for by Merkel and the rest of Europe. I hope they sleep well knowing that.

3. This is a painful lesson for the Europeans to learn, but peace has a price. If you want peace, you need a military that deters war. Vlad doesn't care about your paid maternity leave, subsidized college, and generous retirement programs. Maybe you all should have been putting troops in uniform, building more tanks, planes, artillery, and other weapons instead.

4. On a personal level, why should my son, or any other young Americans, be put into combat in Ukraine? I've read plenty of articles about the problems they've had trying to get their own people to enlist these days. People dodging the draft, and the govt not wanting to draft certain age groups. And after the Ukrainians, then it should fall on the Europeans to put boots on the ground. It's their back yard, not ours. Once again, the lack of defense preparedness is coming back to bite you. But that shouldn't be America's problem to fix. Get your own house in order.

Ok, I've said my piece. Staying out of the politics here. I hope you stick around, NP, we don't have to agree.

I think when you get into making decisions that effect the whole world, things can get more complicated than we would like... I have my beefs with FDR but much less study on him. As far as Truman, after reading hundreds of pages of info on him, I believe he was trying to do what he honestly thought was best for the American people. I think he was principled in a way that is rare among politicians. Did he do what was best, certainly not all the time, but on many points I just can't say that I knew any better than he did, even with the advantage of being able to look back at his presidency as history. When I immerse myself in the complications of prospective nuclear war when it was still in it's infancy, honestly it is mind boggling trying to solve the problems of the time.

What we wish we could have, and what we can actually get in the world are vastly seperated perhaps nowhere more dramatically than politics. This makes things very complicated.
It is only complicated if we make it so.

I’m a pretty simple guy. I see problem I want to either fix said problem or I will ignore it. Europe is something I want to ignore.

I happen to believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is near and we are living in the Book Of Revelations. I’m OK with that as I know where I’m going to end up. I could die today, tomorrow, or thirty years from now and I don’t really care. My time on earth is just a short time compared to eternity with The Father and Jesus Christ.

If he wants to use me to kill enemies I’m OK with that. If he wants to use me to heal others I’m OK with that too. It’s his life to use as He wants for His glory.

I’m not a very religious man. In fact I pretty much hate organized religion. Yet here I am typing like I’m some sort of zealot. Go figure.

I’ll make this really simple.

We, America, has bailed Europe out of two World Wars. If they haven’t learned by now they never will. Let them deal with their own next world war.

There is no American life worth any European life.

Harsh? You bet. Don’t like it? I don’t care. It’s how I feel. Peace and safety is an illusion. That’s why I carry guns in public. On a larger scale countries should prepare for war like the smart civilian prepares for a criminal attack. I also carry knives, pepper spray, have a sense of awareness, and a plan for likely occurrences. If countries fail to do likewise why should I concern myself with them?

After the end of WW23, America helped the two main antagonists to get back on their feet. Think berlin airlif where some American pilots lost their lives helping to feed germans stranded by Russia. EWe ever went out of out way to help the Japanese get back on their feet. France was relueved of German occupation only to have DeGaulle spit on us. We save their sorry asses and they spit on us. Well, the next time someone takes them over my thought is tango sierra. Try and spit on us now. We should just drop out of NATO and kick the UN out of our country. Get out of that socialist organization and tell them all to go to hell. We should use money that's being wasted on NATO and the UN to rebuild our industrial might back to where it was before we became the world's policemean; and job we never should had started on.
Paul B.
After the end of WW23, America helped the two main antagonists to get back on their feet. Think berlin airlif where some American pilots lost their lives helping to feed germans stranded by Russia. EWe ever went out of out way to help the Japanese get back on their feet. France was relueved of German occupation only to have DeGaulle spit on us. We save their sorry asses and they spit on us. Well, the next time someone takes them over my thought is tango sierra. Try and spit on us now. We should just drop out of NATO and kick the UN out of our country. Get out of that socialist organization and tell them all to go to hell. We should use money that's being wasted on NATO and the UN to rebuild our industrial might back to where it was before we became the world's policemean; and job we never should had started on.
Paul B.
I agree with you.
Until Russia, China, or whomever is at the Canadian or Mexican border I really don’t care.

Last post:
It was not the content of the Talks, it was the way they treated him.
So you are leaving a group of hunters and shooters (Nosler Forum), because of the way politicians (who are not connected in any way to this forum personally) treated somebody?

If this is something you need to do for your own ideology, then honor your conscience.
Ironically, your protest here changes nothing for the people you are upset with, and you are choosing to separate yourself from shooters and hunters who seem seem to enjoy engaging in.

You have the freedom of choice.
Have a Blessed Day
Last post:
It was not the content of the Talks, it was the way they treated him.
Well, that's unfortunate to hear. I would never stand in the way of you doing what you feel you should, but you might find that there are many here that agree with you. You will also always find people that don't.

I can understand how disturbing some of what you are seeing is from the European continent. Without going in deep, I believe Trump's talk with the Ukrainian president had no semblance of diplomacy, was childish, disrespectful, and even contemptuous towards Ukraine. This behavior impacts all of Europe which is highly influenced by the Ukrainian situation, so this all to say, I understand your anxiety with current events.
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