Good for Idaho!

My neighbor started that bill. I've known about it for months. The good thing is it should set precidence for other states.
Mark Patterson, my neighbor and the author of the bill, was just elected in Nov. So he's a freshman. It's pretty cool to see someone doing good things for the public, what we elect them to do, rather than try to take things away. He is working on some other things as well that should be good for the state. BTW he is pretty sure it will make it through the Senate too unless the "RINO's" (republican in name only) shoot it down.
Isn't federal law the Law of the Land though?
Who knows. It is a mess right now. The states are violating federal law and the Federal Government is violating the constitution. Meanwhile 90 percent of gun crime is drug related and the drug cartells rule our borders as well as the streets of America.
Wyoming had a similar Bill but some numbnut sat on it too long. It's dead now.
There needs to be a federal statement of understanding (it is only application of the Constitution), but don't hold your breath waiting on Washington to declare any intent to obey the Constitution. After all, in the estimate of most politicians (Republican as well as Democrat), the Constitution is a living document that says precisely what they want it to say. One can only wonder if the Founders had any idea of the plasticity of the document they drafted and put in place.
Good for Idaho. The stats need to take back there rights to legislate local issues and schools.