Good practice session.


Mar 6, 2017
Just had 4 shells loaded and 2 rifles. My Rem 141 in 35 Remington and Dad's M71 348.

Took 1 shot from each rifle at 100 yards first. 35 Rem, then the 348. Seated position which is 90% of my shots. No sling wrap or anything like that, often I don't have either the time, or can't afford that kind of movement when something appears in the woods. Turn at about 1:00 position and elbows over the knees.

Don't know which shot was which rifle, wasn't checking. Doesn't matter, both hit about the same. I was happy. I can't hold that steady in that position it's just trying to time the rifle going off on the trigger squeeze when the sights are where you want them.

Then did the same thing at 50 yards. 1 shot from the 35 Remington, 1 shot from the 348, both from the seated position. Again not sure which was which. Happy with both at both distances in that field position with iron sights. Good practice round. (y)

Very impressed here. I’ve got to suspect two rifles with two different triggers add to the challenge also.
Good field position groups are a lot harder than most think.

It is for me! Prone can be rock solid, but the terrain and cover in my area lends itself to the best way to watch and get a shot most places I've snuck into is to be set up seated, so even though it's not the most stable or steady, it's how I take the majority of my shots, so is what it is.

So along with practicing field positions, for me, unlike with a scope, iron sight shooting is a perishable skill. It takes practice. You don't forget it, but it sure helps to be comfortable and familiar with all the dimensions of the sight picture in my mind prior to season. I need more practice before I'm confident with any opportunities that might come my way, but it's all fun!