Spied these on the shelf at a shop a little over a month ago. I'm not the type of guy to clean a shelf bare on one go just because I can. I'll give somebody else a chance, but not too long. Ha.
I bought 1 box, went back about 3 weeks later and bought another, Bought another 2 weeks ago, then was in the area yesterday so stopped and bought the last box.
At $48.95 they are $10 or $11 more than what I could've bought them for off of Midway when Hornady still made them. They are the last cheap bullet I'm aware of for the 348. Everything else is Barnes, Swift A- Frames, etc. Good bullets, but expensive.
So now I got these and 37 left in an older box of the same bullets. Pretty happy with that amount. Should do me for quite a long time in the old M71.

I bought 1 box, went back about 3 weeks later and bought another, Bought another 2 weeks ago, then was in the area yesterday so stopped and bought the last box.
At $48.95 they are $10 or $11 more than what I could've bought them for off of Midway when Hornady still made them. They are the last cheap bullet I'm aware of for the 348. Everything else is Barnes, Swift A- Frames, etc. Good bullets, but expensive.
So now I got these and 37 left in an older box of the same bullets. Pretty happy with that amount. Should do me for quite a long time in the old M71.