got to help with cougar in ashland,


Mar 13, 2005
The Cat was in a tree along a bike path right next to Hwy 66. It was only about 1/4 mile from the Orginal Nosler House/Factory. It was about 800 yards from the back of the grade school from where the cat was. It was a little one about 80 lbs.
I read that story in the Mail Tribune. I'm sure that cat thought he was safe being inside the city limits of the Environmentalist PETA camp known as Ashland, OR. Too bad he didn't get to maul some granola for good measures. My guess is that he was a Republican!
you know what you would have to go through to clean a hippie, all the years of filth and drug use, it would be worse than eating a skunk. I'm sure that is the reason the cougar did not eat anyone