
May 26, 2012
Howdy all.

I'm looking at maybe getting a GPS Unit to replace my old Garmin Legend because the Legend doesn't allow me to download maps to the unit. I learned the need for that last year on my WY antelope hunt.

I also have a smartphone, that I can't figure out, but it has a USB port so I'm thinking I could download the map to my phone instead of getting a new GPS. Am I correct in my thinking? I mostly used the old GPS as a speedometer on my motorcycle so I'm not really up on all this technology. I can tell you my phone is 4G, whatever that means. I call and text with it, as well as post on Facebook and take pictures but now we've hit the limit of my technological capabilities. I also know that my phone uses satellites for positioning. At least that's what a little blinking icon seems to be telling me.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Depending on the cell service in an area I usually like to go GPS & cell phone, leaving the phone off to conserve battery life in case of an emergency.

Although might be able to get away with airplane mode and still use the GPS on your phone
So far, I'm pretty satisfied with my Garmin Oregon 450T. For a while I didn't even look at Garmin, as I got burned more times than one by the old SurfStar chipset they used in their car navigation units. Having worked with fairly high-precision (~5 cm) GPS systems the last few years, it didn't take very many wrong turns before I wrote them off completely.

They've since upgraded their car units, though, and I believe they're using the same chip set that the Oregon uses. I have much more confidence in this one.
OK, made up to the big city to visit the Big Boy Toy Store but never even got the chance to look at any GPS units.

I got side-tracked in the gun room and walked out with a 26" Model 70 with a walnut stock with a left handed action. I got a map and a compass. My hunting buddy has a GPS, plus I know the unit pretty well, so it shouldn't be much of an issue.
I'm still using my Magellan sport trak gps unit I got many years ago. It still works as good as the day I bought it, I use topo maps and a compass more than I do the gps unit truth be told.

One of these days I'll upgrade to a better unit.
I am partial to my Garmin Rino 530. I see they have a newer bigger better model out now that I am unfamiliar with but it offers a few more whistles and bells than two I currently own. I love the NOAA radio function. I also like being able to see anyone else who I am hunting with that has a Rino on my units map after they key their mic.
Vince":2dmtnyz6 said:
I also have a smartphone, that I can't figure out, but it has a USB port so I'm thinking I could download the map to my phone instead of getting a new GPS.


Which phone?
Dr. Vette":wtj7xdf2 said:
Vince":wtj7xdf2 said:
I also have a smartphone, that I can't figure out, but it has a USB port so I'm thinking I could download the map to my phone instead of getting a new GPS.


Which phone?

OK, my bad.

The port is just for charging it. :( I ain't kidding I really am a Troglodyte. As hard as I tried, to shove a USB fitting in the little port, it just couldn't be made to fit. Time to break out the map and compass as I spent too much money buy another rifle I wasn't planning on buying.

Dr. Vette":19r6so20 said:
That still doesn't tell us which phone it is. :)

It says My Touch and T Mobile on it.

That's all I know. Oh yeah, it also says 4G. I ain't kidding, I really am a Troglodyte.
Vince":1n3yytqi said:
Dr. Vette":1n3yytqi said:
Vince":1n3yytqi said:
Dr. Vette":1n3yytqi said:
That still doesn't tell us which phone it is. :)

It says My Touch and T Mobile on it.

That's all I know. Oh yeah, it also says 4G. I ain't kidding, I really am a Troglodyte.
This one? ... uch-q.html

That's it.

There should be a button on there to use Google Play. It should likely show a logo like a 4 color arrow pointing right.

You can then find one of these GPS apps:
and then load them on your phone.
Dr Vette,

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I will access it from my phone and download it. I'm slowly giving way from the typewriter to the computer terminal but I really am behind the times when it comes to computers.

Thank you again and happy hunting!

I used the phone GPS yesterday for it's ballistic table and to get the current weather conditions.

I have to thank Dr. Vette for sharing the link with me as I find this tool very helpful. I'll go out next week and do some scouting and actually use the GPS part of my phone to mark some spots.

Just be aware that the GPS can eat up battery life in some phones. I've found it handy to turn mt GPS feature off when I'm not actively using it.
Thanks Dubyam.

I'll try to figure out how to turn it off.

I didn't consider battery life as my phone is always in the charger when I'm in the truck. I haven't taken it with me on a hike or hunt yet. I'll test it out this week or next and see if I can turn the bloody thing off until I need it.