Great Range trip today with 300 RUM 200 AB

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that RL25 load. That is a fine group.
That RL25 load will project power a long ways and hit with all the accuracy and authority anybody could hope for. I like the 300 RUM for all those reasons too.
Thanks you guys. Sorry so late getting the pics posted, just got that figured out.

Yep, no sense messing with much else if your getting that kinda accuracy out of RL25! That is like a high powered 22-250! Great shooting Don!
Here's the results from last Sunday with RL25 with 1/2 grain higher at 92.0. No pressure signs, increased the velocity some. I may have pulled the shot that strayed. First two were together. Will revisit this load again soon.



  • 92.0 RL 25 200 AB.JPG
    3.9 MB · Views: 268
DON":fz7n710p said:
Here's the results from last Sunday with RL25 with 1/2 grain higher at 92.0. No pressure signs, increased the velocity some. I may have pulled the shot that strayed. First two were together. Will revisit this load again soon.


Nothing will ever escape that load Don. I would reshoot, 200's at 3080 is pretty awesome in my book. I was pretty happy with the 200's at 2900 outta my 300WM.. Seems like case life would be forever with that load as well..

The pictures make a great report that much more impressive.
Yeah, the RL25 Powder is a sure thing now. I have 5 each of the following loaded to shoot, hopefully tomorrow. 91.5, 92.0 & 92.5. I want to see if I can duplicate the group previously shot with 91.5 then see if I can do better with 92.0. We will see what happens at 92.5. :mrgreen:

Dr. Mike,
I couldn't agree more.

Don, hope it works out for you buddy. You have got that 300 singing now, that is for sure!
Scotty, I know I'm on to something now. :wink:

Range trip canceled today. Weather change has brought windy conditions with some strong wind gusts. Maybe next week-end if weather conditions permit.

We had Tornado's all around us on Friday Night. The Schools sent Students home at 11am that day,
my Company sent us all home late afternoon as one was nearby. Pretty hair raising experience. God is good we are all ok. Our temperature on Friday was 81-degrees, just crazy.

Glad to hear that you came out of the tornado fine. Those things scare me, glad I don't live around them. By the way what do you mean about the case heads being wiped?

Thanks Corey.Case Heads wiped means the perimeter around the primer where it's stamped 300 Rem Ultra Mag. that flat surface has a shiny mark indicating a hot load/ excessive pressure was present causing a stiff bolt/ difficult extraction to occur etc. It's not a wise thing to keep shooting a load giving those indicators. There should be smooth extraction, easy bolt lift with no extractor marks on the case heads. Those are just some of the pressure signs, not all of them, to look for when working up a load.

Thanks for explaining that to me. I've never heard that term before. glad to see your 300 is coming along.

Went to our hunt club today shot this load at 100 yds with 91.5 RL25 that gave me the .192 group previously. Only this trip the temperature was a lot warmer at 83-degrees. Had the Chrony set at 15-ft. shooting prone out of the back of my pick-up truck using the lead sled again. I fouled the barrel with two shots, let it cool. Fired 3-consecutive shots, grouping the first two together, the third strayed with barrel hot. Let it cool, fired two consecutive shots that grouped with the first two.
The 4-shots together measure .472 leaving out the flyer. The velocity today increased from a previous 3059 fps in 35-degree weather to 3,111 fps today @ 83-degrees. SD was 15. Just love the 200 AB, just unbelievable today. This is my Load for this gun. It's done.



  • 300 RUM 200AB 3111 fps.JPG
    3.6 MB · Views: 201
DON":1a1p69fw said:
Went to our hunt club today shot this load at 100 yds with 91.5 RL25 that gave me the .192 group previously. Only this trip the temperature was a lot warmer at 83-degrees. Had the Chrony set at 15-ft. shooting prone out of the back of my pick-up truck using the lead sled again. I fouled the barrel with two shots, let it cool. Fired 3-consecutive shots, grouping the first two together, the third strayed with barrel hot. Let it cool, fired two consecutive shots that grouped with the first two.
The 4-shots together measure .472 leaving out the flyer. The velocity today increased from a previous 3059 fps in 35-degree weather to 3,111 fps today @ 83-degrees. SD was 15. Just love the 200 AB, just unbelievable today. This is my Load for this gun. It's done.


Like Fotis said! Your done buddy! Great shooting! What a powerhouse combo that 300 is with the 200 AB.