Ground Hogs

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Not sure if this belongs here because it was more like killing then hunting. The Ground hogs had infested the fence row along my back yard next to a soy bean filed this spring and the wife has had a ball watching them play in the yard.
One got after here young grape arbor and she said it was time for them to go so I've been trying to accommodate her and to date I have killed four.
Here's a picture of one I killed this evening and wasn't too gruesome to post since I'm using a 12ga with 1 1/2oz of #2 shot out of my Rem 1100. These are some left over Turkey loads I had made up.
Shot was about 40yds and the wad was laying beside the ground hog. The wad is visible at 1:00 in the picture.


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I dunno, Rodger. Ya' may have to use a heavier load for those critters. :shock: I hear they can be mighty tuff! How are they on the grill? :grin:
These animals are very tough to kill with a.22lr unless it's a head shot and I don't have any lighter 12ga. loads on hand. The young ones can be tasty when baked but the mature hogs are very tough and strong. I haven't ate one since I was a kid , Mom use to fix them but she took the receipt with her when she passed. I just use the liver for catfish bait.
Man, I haven't been hog hunting in years. Growing up in eastern Ohio, we used to have a blast on them after the hayfields were mowed in the summer. They were everywhere around there. The old .22-250 was a death ray.
For open field hunting I like my 257 Roberts or my 222 Contender. I have to use the shoot gun around the house for safety reasons.