Gun show his weekend

Decided to resurrect this thread, rather than start a new one on the same topic.

Reason is, I went to a gun show this past weekend for the first time in a long time and I was pleasantly surprised by a couple of things. First, the entrance charge was $5. Second, at the door, they simply said that if you had a concealed weapon, it had to remain in the holster; if you wanted to show or trade with it, you had to go outside and unload it first.

I only bought a few shirts from someone, but saw a Henry in 360 Buckhammer that was tempting. Had some good conversation and enjoyed a lovely day with the wife.

So, reasonable gun shows still exist in some places.
Susan and I try to attend an annual gun show a few hours from us, that also has crafts and tradeshow items in 3 separate arenas each spring. Susan bought her first rifle on her own at this event the first year we attended; her Lipsey's Ruger No,1 in 250 Savage. We have only missed the 2020 show cancelled due to COVID-19 over the past 13 years. Been to a few others closer to home since they have started up again after shutting down for a year or three due to COVID.
Don't always buy a firearm, but usually find something worth bringing home, even if it is just components, ammo or some firearms related item of interest. We usually make a weekend of it and stay overnight due to the distance. Always a good time.
When I was working in a LGS, I worked the show a couple of times, and I even set up my own table one year. Sold a few rifles and a bunch of ammo and components.
Sometimes it is just good to meet up with old acquaintances or meet new people. The booking agent for the African Safari we are going on next year we first met there, and booked the hunt we had to cancel in 2017, and have now booked for next year. Great to see them again and see all the new photos of hunts from the past few years.