Well boys she's been a long cold winter so far, and the brutal cold front last week had everyone stuck indoors. So Friday I worked half a day then we had friends and family out Tobbogganing and Weiner roast. Saturday was even nicer weather so we loaded up the kids and did a spur of the moment ice fishing trip.
Well my oldest girl (6) Jenna snagged her first fish ever a beauty 2.5 lb Jack, I think she may be hooked on fishing now. Lol . I forgot how excited kids get with there first one. We are heading back out today to take advantage of the nice weather again.
Well my oldest girl (6) Jenna snagged her first fish ever a beauty 2.5 lb Jack, I think she may be hooked on fishing now. Lol . I forgot how excited kids get with there first one. We are heading back out today to take advantage of the nice weather again.