

Oct 5, 2008
Oh, Oh, another "newbie"! 61 years old and my first computer. Please forgive mistakes. Up here, at my age, they call them "brain farts". :? I have been viewing this site for a long time on my sis-in-law,'s computor and at work when no one was looking. I have hunted since I was 13 and started handloading shotgun when I was 18 which naturally lead to cartridge reloading, but I consider myself an amateur. Settled on Nosler partitions (with the rebated band in the middle) almost immediately. I've owned many rifles in various calibers over the years and settled for a Ruger 1 in 7mm mag and have used it for over 30 years. I have taken numerous whitetails, black bears and caribou in Manitoba and several pronghorn and muleys in beautiful Wyoming, all with Nosler 160 partitions. Have never able to get personal with a moose or an elk to this point. Longest kill (witnessed) was a pronghorn at 525 yds. I have never lost an animal due to Nosler Partition bullet failure. They are so consistant, it's almost boring. My load never changed over the years, Win. brass, Fed. 215 mag. primer, 80 gr. H870. And then along came Accubonds, the 7mm RUM and H870 disapeared. Two years ago I decided it was time to play. :wink: I rebarreled with a 27.5" stainless in 7mm RUM. I use Rem. brass, Fed. 215 GM mag. match primers and 160 Accubonds. It took a lot of trips to the range to figure it out. Retumbo was sticking cases well short of max. US869 was not bad, but velocities were not where I felt they should be.
Besides, I was itching to try H50BMG. I was told early on, when you have a small exit hole and a lot of powder to burn, keep the burn slow! After a lot of testing, I settled on 99.5 gr. H50BMG. The last 3 shot group ran .417" at 100 yds., 3435 ft./sec. (chronograghed) and no sticky ejects. I have a large barley field I will visit next month. Thanks for letting me ramble on, and know that this site has helped me solve a number of problems I have had with my reloading. :grin:
Welcome to the forum, sounds like you have a very good shooting gun.
+1 on the Nosler Partition, i have never lost a animal with that bullet.
It is a success story from day 1.

Howdy and welcome to the forum.

I haven't had a chance to hunt in Manitoba yet, but I have had some taxidermy done in Winnipeg.

I shot my first big deer with the .284"/160 gr NP, in those days it was the screw-turned version in the older colored boxes. Still using the NP but mostly in an '06 now for deer.

Any comment yet on relative barrel life comparing the RM & RUM?


Welcome to the forum, glad you are here.
Sounds like you have a good load for your 7mmRUM. There is a lot of reloading talent here so if you have any questions, ask away.
Good luck next month. Hope you can post some pictures. :wink:


Welcome to the forum!

I truly admire your choice in rifles.
Ruger #1 are in my opinion the classiest rifles out there! Bar none!

Your load sounds great. Hope you do well and take pictures..........
Welcome to the forum I was also a big fan of H870 and just used up the rest about 3 weeks ago in my 7mm RM with 160 ABs with 80.5gr and some how shot a group that was .260 at 100 yards your 7mm rum sounds like the cats meow.
Great 1st post! Don`t be shy, keep the posts coming it sounds like you`ve lots to offer. You aren`t the only one the moose haven`t cozied up to yet :roll:
HunterJim they tell me that the 7mm Rum will wear the barrel out pretty quick, but thats O.K, i'll probably be dead by the time that happens and will have passed it on to my brother so he can worry about it. Seriously, if I had chosen the 140 gr., at the velocites that it can generate, it would happen a lot sooner! I always felt that the 160 gr. in 7mm mag. and 7mm RUM was the best choice. I think the 140 gr. bullets absolutely shine in calibres like the .280, 7mm/08, .284 etc. :)
bobbyrum":w1hg3paq said:
HunterJim they tell me that the 7mm Rum will wear the barrel out pretty quick, but thats O.K, i'll probably be dead by the time that happens and will have passed it on to my brother so he can worry about it. Seriously, if I had chosen the 140 gr., at the velocites that it can generate, it would happen a lot sooner! I always felt that the 160 gr. in 7mm mag. and 7mm RUM was the best choice. I think the 140 gr. bullets absolutely shine in calibres like the .280, 7mm/08, .284 etc. :)


Very well said!

Your right Bobbyrum that 140 gr pt does shine my wifes .280 shoots them quit well and has killed an Elk with it :grin: .
Right now I'm loading a Savage 110, 7mm Mag. with 160 gr. Nosler Partitions. I've got 50 more to load sometime soon,then I'm going to drop down to 140 gr. I like Nosler bullets and brass to work up loads. I love my 7mm Mag. to deer hunt with and coyotes.

Noslers Rock!