Oh, Oh, another "newbie"! 61 years old and my first computer. Please forgive mistakes. Up here, at my age, they call them "brain farts". :? I have been viewing this site for a long time on my sis-in-law,'s computor and at work when no one was looking. I have hunted since I was 13 and started handloading shotgun when I was 18 which naturally lead to cartridge reloading, but I consider myself an amateur. Settled on Nosler partitions (with the rebated band in the middle) almost immediately. I've owned many rifles in various calibers over the years and settled for a Ruger 1 in 7mm mag and have used it for over 30 years. I have taken numerous whitetails, black bears and caribou in Manitoba and several pronghorn and muleys in beautiful Wyoming, all with Nosler 160 partitions. Have never able to get personal with a moose or an elk to this point. Longest kill (witnessed) was a pronghorn at 525 yds. I have never lost an animal due to Nosler Partition bullet failure. They are so consistant, it's almost boring. My load never changed over the years, Win. brass, Fed. 215 mag. primer, 80 gr. H870. And then along came Accubonds, the 7mm RUM and H870 disapeared. Two years ago I decided it was time to play. :wink: I rebarreled with a 27.5" stainless in 7mm RUM. I use Rem. brass, Fed. 215 GM mag. match primers and 160 Accubonds. It took a lot of trips to the range to figure it out. Retumbo was sticking cases well short of max. US869 was not bad, but velocities were not where I felt they should be.
Besides, I was itching to try H50BMG. I was told early on, when you have a small exit hole and a lot of powder to burn, keep the burn slow! After a lot of testing, I settled on 99.5 gr. H50BMG. The last 3 shot group ran .417" at 100 yds., 3435 ft./sec. (chronograghed) and no sticky ejects. I have a large barley field I will visit next month. Thanks for letting me ramble on, and know that this site has helped me solve a number of problems I have had with my reloading. :grin:
Besides, I was itching to try H50BMG. I was told early on, when you have a small exit hole and a lot of powder to burn, keep the burn slow! After a lot of testing, I settled on 99.5 gr. H50BMG. The last 3 shot group ran .417" at 100 yds., 3435 ft./sec. (chronograghed) and no sticky ejects. I have a large barley field I will visit next month. Thanks for letting me ramble on, and know that this site has helped me solve a number of problems I have had with my reloading. :grin: