Help finding parts

I found the ebay ones. I can't believe that price on some of them.

I broke the front screw hole that is covered by the mag plate so you can't see it. I put it on the rifle and it snugged up tight on the rear screw. From there, I put the middle screw in but it does not have any pressure on it. It is just there to keep everything square. So if the rifle does not need the middle screw to have torque, I would be good to go.
The middle screw does have a function. When the magazine is loaded that screw keeps the front of the trigger guard and the magazine latch from binding,twisting (sort of), and keeping the mag follower parallel to the bore axis so feeding is I obstructed. Just my opinion but I would run all three screws as designed.
Am wondering if Ruger would replace it for free?

They've got outstanding customer service.
I sent them a Ruger Number One that wouldn't extract a fired cartridge reliably. A 30 year old Ruger. They fixed it and sent it back for free. I don't think it was gone a month. Maybe two weeks or so?
I will contact them next week. I read that they no longer make that part for the older tang safeties.