Here is a young Pike Co. Ky Bull Elk


May 25, 2009
The property that I deer hunt is Elk Heaven here in Kentucky.I just wished I could draw a Tag !! Here is just one of many Bulls that are on this property,and he is small compared to some I've seen.


It is really good to see elk in Kentucky. Thanks for the pictures.
Keep trying! By the time you draw he will be B&C :wink: Never give up, it's worth it!! :arrow: :arrow: :)
Good Hunting
Good healthy looking young bull! Cool! Am very glad that elk have been re-introduced to some of the eastern states - that's GREAT!

Best of luck on drawing a tag. Elk hunting is terrific!

Nice photos by the way - you did well! Up close or a telephoto lens?

Thanks, Guy
Hey HotDog,

If he lets you get that close maybe you could just ask him to donate you a loin or two.... 8)

Guy Miner":33e9fckv said:
Nice photos by the way - you did well! Up close or a telephoto lens?

Thanks, Guy

The picture was taken with a trail cam that I've got set up on a pond on the property that I deer hunt on. This property has plenty of Elk on it.
My son was in his blind last fall deer hunting when 15 cows- caves,and 3 bulls came in feeding all around him. I could kill one easy if I could get drawn for a tag.