Hi all and which calibre to choose?

Dear pshooter,

One of the most disgusting banes of modern political correctness is the acceptance of reverse racism as having intellectual foundation. There are many issues dogging the Democrats here in the USA, one of them being the fallacious justification of their legislation/policies. When it comes right down to it, we are not different than you guys in England: our politicians pander to voters lest they face the prospect of having to get a real job. I fear this pandering has shaped INS policy. If you have information of the INS policy that dictates disparate treatment of Europeans based upon race, please let me know. I will email both CA state senators and my US representative and express my condemnation of such a government created racist policy. Whatever happened to, “…content of character and not color of skin”?

Alexis Tocqueville, in the early nineteenth century, said that the republic of the USA would be in dire straits once voters figure out they can vote largess form their politicians. I fear we are at that point.

The complexion of the USA generally and California specifically is in the state of alteration with many opining it is irreversible. It almost appears that there is a plan in operation that calls for the “Deeuropeanization” of American. Pat Buchanan cited this subtle shift years ago and opined that because of its potential to irreversibly alter the culture created by our British forefathers, this policy should be put to plebiscite. This will not happen.

I think you’d be as amazed as am I at what the government has allowed to occur to this country. It is very common in government-run colleges and universities to see “professors” encourage European-bashing, including the denigration of the culture that made this a great country. If you get a chance, read "The Closing of the American Mind" by Ivy League professor Allan Bloom. He correctly cites the decade of the 1960’s that ushered in the dumbing-down of American universities, and the reluctance of college administrators to stand up to if frivolity for fear of insulting those advancing such an agenda.

Ironically, there are many Christian colleges in the greater Los Angeles area including Biola and Claremont School of Theology. Maybe you could apply to them for faculty. There are many others in the USA as well, a ‘net search most assuredly proving prolific.

James Madison, who wrote the Constitution and First Amendment would be appalled at our pronounced government protected attack on God that occurs routinely in the USA. Another good read is "Christianity and the Constitution" by Professor John Edismoe. There is no doubt that our Founding Fathers, your ancestors, intended this to be a Christian nation. For further proof of this, please do a ‘net search for US Senator Zell Miller’s "Deficit of Decency" speech he gave on the floor of the US Senate.

Again, if you can get me information on the USA’s policy of racial discrimination that denies visas/citizenship to Anglo-Saxons based upon race, I will write to my elected officials, including the White House, expressing my disgust. As God knows, this country needs greater divine guidance lest we follow a course identified by Senator Miller.

Don’t forget, the 7MM Rem Mag will get the job done on all North American game. And don’t forget to start accumulating bonus points in western USA states. Before you know it, you’ll be stalking Boone and Crockett mule deer and elk in the Rocky Mountains. Usually around April California will start accepting applications for deer bonus points. Check out www.hunt395.com for potential of the Eastern Sierra. Highway 395 runs north-south from the 15 FWY to north of Reno, Nevada. If you hunt California, the Rockies for that matter, remember to bring your trout tackle. There are BIG trout in the Eastern Sierra!!!


Hi Tom.

Like I said, this obvious discimination was something that was taking place in the eighties when I wanted to make my application. I don't know what the situation is now.

However much my wife and I would love to come live in America, we have work to do here in England. It's just the way it is. If it were any other way we would up sticks and go tomorrow!

I believe that if God wants us to live in the US there is nothing in Heaven or earth could stop it. We will see what the future brings.

Things are certainly warming up all over the globe with the UN increasingly demonstrating an anti-Christian policy and the European Union tightening its grip on the lives of those who have to live within is boundaries. It is one of those institutions - along with the UN - that seeks friendship with the US and, of course, its money, until it is in a place to reduce the US to a second-string player or, worse, remove it altogether. I get the impression that the ACLU along with other PC liberals are helping that to come about.

We see so much here that the ACLU is big on civil liberties for all except most Americans and Christians. Makes me wonder how a house can stand when you remove the foundations.

What attracts me most to the US is that there is still a sense of the pioneer spirit and a sense of personal freedom. Even if various politicians and groups are trying to destroy that, you can still go and stand in a wide open space and breathe.

Who knows, maybe one day we will get there!

Thanks for everything.
The debate over what rifles are the best for their intended tasks remains just that a debate or rather a dead horse whipping contest. However, the All-American .270 Winchester is the first thing that comes to mind and right behind that is the .264 Winchester Magnum mostly because you are considering a custom rifle. The .270 shoots very flat and has killing power for deer way beyond the capable range of most hunters or shooters on deer and even elk. The .264 is a .270 with another 50-100 yards added on to it. Take your pick.
Have decided to go with the 7mm WSM and will have one built for me by a guy up in Scotland.

Thanks for all of the advice guys. Will let you know how it works out!
pshooter wrote: "Have decided to go with the 7mm WSM...."

NoNo! Go with 7mmRemMag. The only reason you need for that choice is that is what I shoot!............Seriously, good luck with your 7WSM project!
Blessings Roy! You had me going there!!! Wil post back in the future.

Thanks again.
Thanks kiddekop. I will look into them.

Am talking to a guy who shoots (and hunts) for the British shooting team. I am looking to get my 7mm WSM as precise as possible and will maybe have to be within travelling distance.

I will look into these sites, though, as I want to keep my options open. Want to get it right first time with this one!

Thanks for your consideration.
Good to hear from someone in England thats into rifles. Welcome.

I was in a gunshop once and a customer asked for a Weatherby autoloading shotgun. The owner went in back to look something up and I said to the customer "why not just get a Remington 1100" which was very popular at the time.

After the customer left I told the owner that I tried to help sell a popular gun that he had there in stock. The gunshop owner said to me "always sell them what they want".

There are lots of good cartridges and they overlap. I have many of them in the range of use your talking about from the 264 WM and up. To me the rifle is as or more important that the cartridge but you have picked the rifle. My last long range rifle is a 270 WSM. I think I will get anohter 7mm WSM next and keep the best of them.

To each his own.