High fence hunting ranches

Back then we called dogs like yours simply "Liver Pointers", the ones with lighter markings were called "Lemon Pointers", until recently I'd never heard them called by the breed name. And I can't remember what it was.
These were the preferred bird dogs down here. The short hair was cooler on the dog and didn't hold the burrs near as bad. Plus they are very intelligent and naturally birdy.
Of course there was a scattering on various setters also and some were really good.
Things were simpler back then. The owners of registered dogs were considered uppity. Same thing with horses.
Concerning my horses I guess I'd be considered "Uppity".
Well we've strayed a bit from high fence hunting. I've always been partial to the German Shorthair Pointer. In all honesty however I think there are probably better breeds for preserve type hunts. Shorthairs want to run big and most of my clients are adverse to covering ground quickly. Pheasants don't hold for a point like Chukar and quail will. This necessitates constantly working them back, not a big deal, typically do it with hand signals. Most of the guests don't catch on, some are impressed how the dogs get a little far out and then hunt back to us. Whatever works.
I think the German Wirehair, like Guys dog, is better suited. They are more disposed to hunting closer and slower. The other guide runs those. But I'm home before he's done combing out the burrs. If I stay with this a couple more years I'll probably pick up a couple of those.

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