HOME RUN!!!!!! With Hawkeye 30-06

bullet":bzvd9ckh said:
jtoews80":bzvd9ckh said:
30-06 shooting .3's, that is very good shooting for a stock ruger with 4 pieces of accutape :grin:


I love it "Accutape", now that gives my rifle a since of custom as apposed to saying Duck Tape and implying a red neck rifle. I like that!!!!! We will now call it Accutaping a rifle for accuracy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We now have 1002 uses, :lol:

Then again I would not touch a thing. Even wet it works.......
I used RED "electrical accutape" tape for mine. When I had the rifle blued I threatened the shop guy with the beating of his life If he removed it. I have seen more than one rifle saved with accutape. Cool!!! and good for you!!! CL
cloverleaf":79fyd606 said:
I used RED "electrical accutape" tape for mine. When I had the rifle blued I threatened the shop guy with the beating of his life If he removed it. I have seen more than one rifle saved with accutape. Cool!!! and good for you!!! CL

Yup..everything came together there.

The Greek Gods of Olympus blessed it.........

The planets are in the right line up........

I would leave as is!!!!!!!!!!!!
POP":38z1kzmg said:
cloverleaf":38z1kzmg said:
I used RED "electrical accutape" tape for mine. When I had the rifle blued I threatened the shop guy with the beating of his life If he removed it. I have seen more than one rifle saved with accutape. Cool!!! and good for you!!! CL

Yup..everything came together there.

The Greek Gods of Olympus blessed it.........

The planets are in the right line up........

I would leave as is!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought about it and I think I will. :)
ive got a rem. 700bdl in 30/06 thats doing the samething decent groups but always a flier ,,like you and everyone else it makes me very agravated. what pound did you tighten your screws to??? also my stock is supposed to have a pressure point ,if its removed will accuracy suffer???? and last but not least could the pillars be changed to a longer pillar????
Sure like all the tech stuff on this forum ,seems no problem ever to hard to solve when you have years of know how to tap into. Another fix for your problem that would have cost more than pillar bedding yourself, but could still be worth the trouble is to checkout ACCURATE INNOVATIONS web site. Beautiful and accurate wood stocks, I plan on ordering one for my bdl . Now I just have to save up some cash, without the wife finding out, happy-birthday to me.
thanks for the website info :wink: ,,,, those are some very nice looking stocks indeed 8) i dont know why but i couldnt get a price on there web site??? :roll:
No problem, like I said it really helped both of mine. My 7mm had no contact on one side and not a whole lot on the other. By the time I was done I had what looked to be 100% on one side and 70-80% on the other.
looks like mine is making contact on both lugs,,although one seems to be making more contact than the other.. as far as the lapping compound what can be used??? could auto rubbing compound be used as long as it was'nt to aggesive????