horrible groups again (308 win)


Dec 2, 2007
Well today I went out to the range to see how well the 168 grain Nosler custom comps would be. I had 5 different seating depths to try along with 45 grains of IMR 4064. Well the disappointing part is none of the three shot groups for the 5 seating depths would fire good. the Best groups was 1.635 inches at 100 yards :evil: The primers that I was trying was CCI BR-2. Should I try another powder?
I' m having some pretty good luck with Varget in the loads I'm testing for my .308 right now.
JD338":4tnui3q3 said:
What caliber are you shooting?

Sorry I forgot to specify that. I am shooting a 308 winchester. The rifle is a Marlin XS7. I have free floated the barrel. I have checked all the bolts on the scope and on the rifle itself.

There's definitely a problem somewhere else. I don't believe it's in your handloading. Try folding a business card and stick it between the barrel and the stock to create pressure point and see it that will tighten the group. Make sure that the scope base and rings are all tight. Take picture of the group and post it here. That can help in figuring what the problem might be.
Desert Fox":1hayu0au said:

There's definitely a problem somewhere else. I don't believe it's in your handloading. Try folding a business card and stick it between the barrel and the stock to create pressure point and see it that will tighten the group. Make sure that the scope base and rings are all tight. Take picture of the group and post it here. That can help in figuring what the problem might be.
I will try the business card deal and see what happens. Here is a picture of one of the groups.
The group turned out the be 2.525 inches
I would try a different powder.
IMR-4064 is usualy great with .308s But You never know. Is your bore good and clean ?
I would try varget and or RL-15.
Admin can you fix the photo please.

Corbin, Start weed down variables first.

Check scope base and ring for tightness.

Scrub the barrel clean.

Is the stock bedded? If so, check the action screw. Make sure they're tight.

Are you shooting from a pedestal or bi-pod?

After doing all of these and the rifle still shooting crappy, you can then change components. Get Varget, Reloader 15 or H-4895. Not necessarily in that order. You can't go wrong with any of them.
Desert Fox":3i3xhlf1 said:
Admin can you fix the photo please.

Corbin, Start weed down variables first.

Check scope base and ring for tightness.

Scrub the barrel clean.

Is the stock bedded? If so, check the action screw. Make sure they're tight.

Are you shooting from a pedestal or bi-pod?

After doing all of these and the rifle still shooting crappy, you can then change components. Get Varget, Reloader 15 or H-4895. Not necessarily in that order. You can't go wrong with any of them.
Thank you for mentioning the scope bases. I forgot all about the one piece base, I check the scope and rings but never the base. So I pulled the scope off and checked the base and just to find out that all the screws on the base were loose and you could shake it back and forth. So I tightened them really good and then put the scope back on. I will scub the barrel tomorrow with some J-B Bore Paste and some Hoppe's. The stock is pillar bedded and free floated and bolts are good and snug on it (just checked and re-checked). I am shooting from a Bi-pod and a Caldwell tack driver shooting bag. So tomorrow I will load up some more rounds and then go out and try them and see what happens. Thanks for the advice! And thank you everyone for the powder choices that you have given!
Now that you found the problem I expect good things. I range tested a Marlin in 25-06 last Spring with good results indeed.
I am coming in a little late but I shot 308 for a number of years. I used Varget or IMR3031 and had great success.

Glad to hear you found the problem.

I would still change from IMR 4064 over to Varget or RL 15.
Let us know how she shoots.

Shooting with the bipod in the bench with hard surface can be problematic... bouncy. You can minimize that by pre-loading the bipod everytime you pull the trigger. Here's how I do it. Push the rifle slightly forward to apply pressure on both the bipod and the forearm of the stock. On hard suface the bipod has a tendency to slide so put something heavy up front to prevent this. You do the same thing when shooting in the ground. Now show us some tight group. :wink:
When installing scope bases:

1. Always clean the screws AND the threaded holes with Gun Scrubber or a similar degreaser.

2. Clean the degreaser out completely and air dry

3. Use LockTite on screws and torx to specs - let dry

This should prevent you from having a future problem with loose bases.