How do YOU count the points on a rack?


Sep 10, 2006
So maybe this is a stupid question, but when you count the "points" on the rack of your whitetail, Do you count the point on the end of the main beam as a point? With mulies maybe this dosent apply? Now where I grew up, there was "west river" and "east river" count. Basically, if you were west of the Missouri river, you counted points only on one side of the rack and east river you counted them all, as I remember. As far as length goes, is a legitimate "point" an inch or 1/2 an inch? I think state game and fish departments have some latitude here....not sure, (and I'm to lazy to look it up) how is it where you are?
There is a reason for my question,,,,,stay tuned.... :) (No its not 'cause I cant count...but that's a good guess). CL
B and c says yes tip of main is a point. Any point an inch long is a point as long as it's longer than it is wider at the base of the point. Makes sense I hope.

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In Illinois, they counted any point as a point as long as it is an inch or longer. In Kentucky, a point is counted if it is visible, but it does specify that button bucks are not counted so I guess it actually needs to break the skin. I always heard that eastern count is each point on each side, whereas western count is just one side.
chrispbrown27":32duh9l5 said:
In Illinois, they counted any point as a point as long as it is an inch or longer. In Kentucky, a point is counted if it is visible, but it does specify that button bucks are not counted so I guess it actually needs to break the skin. I always heard that eastern count is each point on each side, whereas western count is just one side.

Correct. Eastern is 8 pt, western 4x4. Eastern 11 pt, western 5x6, etc. As to the original question I've never known anywhere that the main beam is not counted as a point, but then again there's a lot I don't know. :mrgreen:
In this area of NY state we frequently end up with bucks with broken antlers due to fighting. Do you count a broken tine? I would but my brother wouldn't. In fact, I shot an eastern count 7 point yesterday. One tine was broken but the stub was still an inch long so I happily counted the stub as a point.
I grew up in the Midwest, and White Tail Deer both sides were counted as long as it was over an inch long. Mule Deer were either 4x4' or 5x5's and so on....
I count everything, even those little round pimple like protrusions. You wouldn't believe how many 25 - 30 point bucks I've killed. :>)
:) :) :) I like the way you think Charlie! Thanks all! Looks Like I shot an 8pt WT this year. Cool a new personal best. CL
Here in Saskatchewan we normally don’t count the browse tines. I do know that is not the standard method :wink:.
We do count beam tines 1” or longer.

Troy I would call yours a 4x4 or 8 pointer for our eastern friends.
Easterners would really hate how elk racks are counted in my area. We ignore the brow tines and only count one side. So a 5 X 5 bull is just a three point here.