how to clean lube off case


Nov 10, 2006
I tumbled my cases before i sized them then i used rcbs tube lube and one shot on the brass. Then i tumbled for 2 hours after i was done becouse i heard that cleans the lube off. But when i took them out they had a green coating on them and took me over a hour to get the sticky stuff off. So i guess thats not the way to get it off.
I just wipe them off with a rag or a paper towell, (shop type). I've been planning to get one of those Caseholder Drivers from Sinclair so's I can spin the case, inside the rag. It should work.
Smitty of the North
i tried to just wipe them off but the cases just stick to the rag is there something you can wipe them with?
What are you useing in your tumbler? I give my brass 5 minutes after sizeing in mine and they come out clean. I used RCBS lube in the past when doing this and it worked fine. I now use Imperial wax. The wax wipes off with a paper towerl although I still tumble for a few minutes.[/quote]
I've always used lighter fluid on a paper towel,takes lube right off.Also clean insides of neck with towel twisted to fit with fluid onit.
I tumble before sizing also. I like to start clean. I have been using rcbs case lube 2 forever. I end up wiping it off with a rag.
maybe your using too much lube if it won't come off in the tumbler.
I use the RCBS caselube 2 setup, and just put my cases in for an hour or two with dry corncob. I don't care for the spray-on lubes, as I feel you may not get an even coat there. About the only place I ever seem to have any trouble is inside necks, and I am considering a mica dip tray to solve that. Of course, for my bolt guns, I neck size, so the lube issue just becomes the neck only. Still tumble afterward to get them clean. Not sure what the green stuff could be. Maybe it's time to change your media?
If it won't tumble off with the media you use, perhaps the solution here is to switch case lubes? I love "Hornady One Shot" It has never failed to tumble off using walnut media with flitz added.
I wipe cases off before sizing, then tumble after sizing. No worries with neck and mouth deformation with vibratory case cleaner. And of course the lube is gone
I use paper towels, works fine. I usually tumble my brass after cases are sized.

rcbs neck size die and use just a touch of graphite or case lube inside
the neck, no lube outside. then there is nothing to clean. A bit of steel
wool on the outside of the neck first if there is power residue.
I am wondering what the green coating is? Is it from the mix of One Shot and the RCBS lube? I agree that a good tumbling after sizing should take care of the problem.
eas02":3pfme28l said:
the lighter fluid worked great thanks.

Yeap,I keep a can on my bench just for wiping cases with.Trouble is anyone that comes by with a lighter always tops them off lol