Hunting draws. 2008

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Hunting tag draws are starting to happen. In California they are about a week out and a month out in Wyoming. I did draw to cow elk in Wyoming and am waiting for antelope and deer.
Who else drew or is waiting to hear if they won the super lottery of hunting tags? I'm starting to wake up in the middle of the night, wondering and hoping. How about y'all.
What, where and when?
Yup. I'm pretty interested in any special draws too. Limited myself to hunting Washington this year though - and Washington's whole application process is slow compared to many states. The state is still accepting applications for special hunts and won't draw for a while:

"For deer, elk, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, moose, and turkey you will receive notice by July 31, 2008."

So... Until then I just wait and wonder... Sure would like to be able to start planning a few months earlier...

Good luck to all on your draws! :grin:
I drew a Colorado cow elk tag for units 12,23,24 second season. Thats near Meeker.

I drew a Montana deer/elk combo license earlier, just waiting now to see which side of the Bitterroot Valley I get for the deer tag. I also drew an Oregon high Cascade buck tag last week, and a Colorado mule deer tag in area 41 near to Grand Junction.

I wanted to hunt in Alberta as well, but the dates don't work now for my hunting buddy and my other hunts. Ah, well. ;)

HunterJim where are you hunting at in unit 41? I was born and raised in GJ and hunted that unit alot. My favorite area for muleys was unit 31, behind DeBeque.

I am awaiting MI results for Elk and Black Bear.

I drew a pronghorn doe tag and ML plains buck for CO this year. Didn't get a moose tag again and I'll have to go OTC for elk this year as I didn't draw my bull tag, but wasn't expecting to. I'll still have a full season of hunting though thanks to OTC tags and landowner vouchers.
Sounds like a lot of great hunts are about to happen. I hope we all draw "at least"one real good area.
Showing my ignorance again but what is an OTC hunt?
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

Good luck on your Cow tag. I grew up in Meeker. Not sure how long it's been since you've been back this way, but the oil / gas exploration has changed a lot of the sceenery.
We just took a trip to Gateway for the weekend and between Rifle and GJ all you see is rig after rig after rig.

Didn't you draw a deer tag for area 61 in CO last year?

Dang, I didn't draw a darn thing.... No Sheep tag, no archery deer or archery elk.....looks like it'll be left over Nov Cow tag time this year....
You know, it just aint fair.
Everybody ought to be able to draw at least one Super Tag in their lifetime. Ok at least someone I have known or heard of. Ok someone in my part of the state. Dratz, it happened but it wasn't me :( Boy! Just wait till next year. I'll draw for sure!!
"The hunters lament"
It aint much but it keeps us going.

Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Muzzleloader Doe
Antelope Rife Doe
2nd season Rifle Cow

Didn't draw:
Muzzleloader Bear (2nd attempt)

Will buy OTC:
2nd season rifle Bull
2nd season rifle Buck

Owen- Shoot me a PM (I hunt the same areas you drew)
owenv":xqtrjxfb said:
HunterJim where are you hunting at in unit 41? I was born and raised in GJ and hunted that unit alot. My favorite area for muleys was unit 31, behind DeBeque.



I have two friends who own ranches in 41. In '06 I did a ML hunt with one at his place near Bull Creek. Last year I hunted lower down in the 3rd season pretty close to Mesa.


No, it was 41 -- and I am still learning how to hunt the sides of the Mesa.

My family has a cabin about 1/2 mile past the PowderHorn ski resort, if you drive up that way look to the left side of the road, it's the house above the pond and if you see a brn quad dodge ram with ca tags, that be me. Stop by for a bevrage. In the early 80's I had a real estate friend that was selling land in the Bull Basin above where you hunt and he had the key to the gate, my hunting pal's and I filled our tags the first morning. I used to be able to hunt from my family's cabin through the lower aspen groves then down through the oak brush down to the Mesa Road. No more, there are now million doller homes and dogs where the elk and deer once roamed. I have family that operates a working cattle ranch and guide sevice above Colbran in the Mosquito Creek basin, I used to be able to hunt there until they started the guide sevice. Who are you friends? I may know them.


I hear ya about all those Canyons down there... doesn't take much for a big mulie to sneak out from under a guy.
OK- not to high Jack a thread but....and maybe Im just dumb....but Wyomings application process has me confused. Whats the wat or how can I get a goat tag. My last one was sorta set up for me. Can I guy buy left over tags etc. ? I look at the web Wyo web site occ. but it just leaves me confused. CL
No word yet on whether or not I've been drawn to hunt mule deer up here in Saskatchewan. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I know there are some really big deer in the zone I put in for.

I think I'm going to try some 150 grain Accubonds out of my 30-06 if I get drawn and will definitely give them a go during whitetail season!
owenv":bnkplxkz said:
My family has a cabin about 1/2 mile past the PowderHorn ski resort, if you drive up that way look to the left side of the road, it's the house above the pond and if you see a brn quad dodge ram with ca tags, that be me. Stop by for a bevrage. In the early 80's I had a real estate friend that was selling land in the Bull Basin above where you hunt and he had the key to the gate, my hunting pal's and I filled our tags the first morning. I used to be able to hunt from my family's cabin through the lower aspen groves then down through the oak brush down to the Mesa Road. No more, there are now million doller homes and dogs where the elk and deer once roamed. I have family that operates a working cattle ranch and guide sevice above Colbran in the Mosquito Creek basin, I used to be able to hunt there until they started the guide sevice. Who are you friends? I may know them.



Do you know a Charlie in real estate in Mesa?

I got my deer head done at Mosquito Creek Taxidermy in Colbran.
