Hunting goals.


Mar 6, 2017
Not at the top of what's important in life, but once you set one it holds your interest to work at it, and even more rewarding to accomplish it. One I had for this yr was to kill a buck with my Dad's 348. Setting that goal made me practice, and take that rifle and let any scoped rifles at home. Otherwise just saying it's something I'd like to do sometime would make it difficult to not grab a scoped rifle as there's a whole lot of things can happen to keep you from getting a shot, or making the shot with iron sights. Got that done this yr. (y)

My next short term goal is to kill a decent sized mountain buck. Not easy as it's public land and the places where you'd have the best chance of accomplishing that are not easy to get to, and even harder to get game out of. But, it's something I never done and would really like to, so I'd say that's next on the list to try and get checked off.

Anybody else?
One of my hunting goals is a mountain goat with my recurve bow - if my ankle gets good enough for serious mountain hunting again.
For rifle hunting: Goals are:
Red stag
Axis deer
Fallow deer
Sika, rusa and sambar deer - working on trip to Australia for next year!
Musk ox
African spiral horns
Snow sheep
Altai argali
With particular rifles:
Bison w/ 9.3x62 and 416 Taylor
Grizzly/brown bear w/ 9.3x62, 376 Steyr and 416 Taylor
Antelope w/ 250AI
More local big game (deer, moose, elk and black bear) with lever actions - 250 Savage,338 Federal, 356 Win, 358 Win, 375 Win and 41 Rem Mag.
Coyote w/ a mouth call with my 250 Sav.
Any Pronghorn- with the 250 of course
Another "flat land" buck withh the Mooseberg slug gun.
A Squirrel with my Crossman 760 ;)
A cow elk with Dads 7 Mag
A pheasant with my 20ga Win.

Wait a minute....

Time spent with a rifle and tag in SD.

Any hunt with friends or family. Preferably-with a kid in tow. Yup, thats the one. CL
I like this thinking more in short term goal, would be taking a deer(or other critter) with a handgun, I have acquired a couple handguns that would definitely work so need to put them to good use. Also like to fill my Montana wolf tag.
As already said just being in the field with friends and family and making it home safe is the most important.
Other goals are more dependent on tag draw for MT Moose, goat and sheep.
Short term goal (this season)
Handgun deer
Rabbit (don't care how)

Mid-term goal (next year)
Archery deer

Long-term goal
Archery elk - just to be close
Another bear

Fantasy goal (Yeah, this will probably never happen)
Buff (I mean, as long as I'm fantasizing)
Red Stag
Regarding fantasy bet there are some on my list!
Like the argali and bongo (one of the Spiral horns)...
But one can dream!

And if we stop dreaming, the reality will most likely never happen!
I came to the hunting game late in life.
I retired after 33 years of teaching and coaching football.
The falls while coaching were dedicated to football so I had extremely little time to hunt, so I didn’t.
Then one fall about ten years ago I found my self with the falls free and here I am….
One of my current goals is to take a whitetail on public land, StillHunting.
I e walked twenty miles this year scouting, searching, tracking, and learning the things necessary to get there.
It is so much more fulfilling to me than just sitting in a stand.
However, I do enjoy my time in the stand also!
It’s not an easy way to hunt and I’m not getting any younger, but it is so enjoyable!
I usually apply for everything in Wy (short term)
After 23 years of not hunting in Africa, I’ve got the bug to go back.
So my long term plan is 8–10 years, and hunt the Big 5.
I’m not wealthy, so it will be non trophy elephant and darted Rhino
I really want to go back to Africa, not in 23, perhaps 24. No desire to kill a lion, buffaloes and plains game, Kudu and Nyala, water buck.
I’ll be applying in Wyoming for deer, antelope and Elk. Also apply in Montana, deer, antelope and elk as well. Didn’t hunt Montana last season but did so the three previous years, off and on prior to that for about 30 years. Love hunting Montana with my number 1s.
Looking like I’ll have a good chance at a good mule deer tag here in Oregon, Little chance but a hope for antelope and elk of course. With elk I’ve very good chance of drawing a spike tag. I’ll see lots of good to great bulls, kill a meat bull and keep Catherine happy.
Have points for deer in Wyoming for me and antelope for two kids in short term.
Long term is buffalo in africa.
Would like to go to Texas for axis and nilgai and somewhere horrible and rough for a free range audad.
Lots of birds to pursue short and long term!
We used to hunt snowy days tracking whitetails in the 70's/80's with Savage 1899 and Lyman tang sight. But by 90's we were using low power Scopes like 1.5/5 power. This fall I am going to regress back to hunting "the old way".
Either the 141 Remington in .35 Rem with 200gr bullets @ 2200fps. Or the 1886 in 45/70 shooting 300gr bullets same speed. Both have Lyman receiver sights and HiViz front beads.
Johnson wool jacket n pants n hat. Marbles compass and an unscoped 7/7.5 lb gun. That's it!
(Did I forget the meatloaf sandwich back in the game pocket?IMG_20221222_082026.jpg
Here in WV when you turn 65 you buy a senior citizen license that is good for the remainder of your life not including additional tags. Waiting on April to get mine and Lord willing I'll get to use them for a while. Dan.
Here in WV when you turn 65 you buy a senior citizen license that is good for the remainder of your life not including additional tags. Waiting on April to get mine and Lord willing I'll get to use them for a while. Dan.

it's been a little while since I read up on Pa's senior lifetime license , but I remember it being about identical to what you've said