I can not believe this is still up for sale!

I am trying to spread the word about this site to all I know. Great site plus we get to help Nosler out and screw e-bay since they did away with all the cool stuff you use to be able to buy there.

Cheap guns, bullets and other cool stuff! I love it!
If anyone is interested in the CZ and 204 caliber, I will tell you they are very accurate awesome rifles and really explode critters very well. I don't have the American version; mine is the longer, heavier barrelled Varmint model. It shoots the 32 v-max and 40 ballistic tip bullets very well, both under haf MOA and sometimes 1/4 when I do my part. Great guns!
Roger that :wink:

I had 2 of them. Both were sub 1/2" moa guns and one did it at 4205 fps. The other 4120 or so.