I figured it out!!!!!!


Jan 9, 2007
Well, after close to 100 rounds, a lot of stress, and a few more gray hairs I have figured out my .223 and its malfunction. This rifle has the worst case of clean barrel syndrome I have ever seen. My 270 suffers from CBS too but it only takes one fouling shot to bring it in. This .223 takes about 6 shots to bring it in but I'm on to it now. After fouling it this morning I fired several different loads and I've found the load it likes. For a factory rifle with no modifications I'd call a .483" group at 100 yards good enough! Thanks to everyone for all the advice and support. Now I've got to load up some more rounds, get her sighted in, and get ready for some serious 'yote busting in Wyoming!
You may can reduce that problem or eliminate it with the judicious use over time of JB's Bore Paste (or Flitz/BreakFree/USP, or any other non-embedding bore paste). But I'm glad to hear you got it figured out! Six shots is a lot, I agree.
Although I am a bit of a "clean" freak, many accomplished shooters have professed the virtues of not cleaning barrels until 50-60 rounds have gone down the tube. It makes sense to leave bores fouled unless there is a decrease in accuracy.

Now that you have found an accurate load in your fouled barrel, it would be good to know how many rounds can be fired before cleaning is necessary.
Glad you conquered the issue and I am also curious just how many rounds it will go on a fouled barrel. Good to get a shooting issue solved, kind of puts a person at peace. :grin: