I have got to stop looking on GB!

Another one that I would snap up in a moment, were it not for HS.
Thinking about it but must be disciplined!!!!

Plus I pick up the 270 Bee tomorrow!

Nice, that is a Winchester I wouldn't mind if it was a lefty. They have nice lines and I like the wood.
Oh man,

That is nice.
Talk about being the "just about perfect antelope rifle".

Had one like it but a Super Grade.

Got this one at 501 yards. 125 NP at 3335 fps with RL 25.

vari x 3 (not vx3) 3.5x10 standard duplex.
That's a nice rifle. Love the 264 Win Mag. Maybe not everything a 270 Wby, but still alot of rifle and with bullet like the 125 and 140 PT's, they do alot of work.
FOTIS":16h6rlkk said:
nope..... discipline!

Really now? I figured to see something for sale in the classifieds and a post saying new toy coming. :mrgreen: