44 mag

I shot some more reloads yesterday. I shot surprisingly better. Was close to the center of the target. Will have to do something to the grip its a little wider on the ride side and chopped my finger up.
Yes i worked on that. It has rubber grips but it stuck out further on the right side where it meets the trigger guard. I'm debating about putting a scope or a red dot on it. I think for hunting a scope would be best.
I shot some more reloads yesterday. I shot surprisingly better. Was close to the center of the target. Will have to do something to the grip its a little wider on the ride side and chopped my finger up.
I had a Ruger Super Blackhawk and the grips were too small for my hand. I put a set of Pachmayr grips on it and it was easier to shoot.

The Pachmyer grips work best for me also. I tried some others but none were comfortable. I particularly dislike those with a thumb rest and finger grooves. I find them much slower to get the gun into action.