I will never own a rifle chambered in........

The truth comes out on this kind of survey. Some posts have me cheering some have me jeering. That's what make our sport great. There is no political correctness. :grin: Newysan hit pretty close to home IMO.
The more guns and calibers we can experience the better we can feel about our decisions and it's always fun to play with ALL the toys!
I can say "I've never met a gun I didn't like" I kow that's a stupid cliche but they are all fun. Of course RUM's have no place in life!!! That's why I only have 3 of them :lol:
Good Hunting
ELkhunt :grin:

P.S. Watch out for those WSSM's :twisted:
If the price is right I will own and use anything but normally I have no desire for a 30-30 or a 30-06. Have had both but do not want another. A 243 and a 270 makes both out dated for my use.
I keep getting the "you don't have a 30-06" from all of my buddies. I have a bunch of rifles, and nothing in 06. I have a Whelen, that does pretty much everything an 06 does, with a bigger bullet. I do want one, but I am pretty built up in the middle of the pack calibers. I do want a nice FWT M70 in 06 though and a nice little 30/30 to mess around with. Hopefully the next pay raise will get me enough to swing one. Scotty
I would like to own every gun besides the 30-06. I have shot one before and I will never put my hands on another one in my life again. (no offence to anyone who owns them and likes them)
I had a CZ chambered in 30/06 which I sold to buy a 300 WSM. I sold my dies and all my brass at that time as I said I would never again have a 30/06. This past Fall I was shown one of the new Featherweights in 30/06 that had just arrived. It followed me home, and has found a place in my safe. One must be careful never to say "never."
Mike, how are you liking the M70 FWT. I am looking to acquire one of those in the future and just wonder what you think of them. I have found a bunch of them in 270 Win, just nothing in the 30-06 yet though. They look pretty nice, at least the ones I have seen. Scotty

I purchased two of the new Featherweights (30-06 and 270 WSM), to complement the other five I already had in my safe (7 mm RM, 280, 300 WSM, 7 mm WSM and 325 WSM). The newer Model 70s are certainly well built. Fit and finish is excellent. Whilst I can't say they are tack drivers (yet), they are consistent shooters, delivering 1 to 1.25 inch groups. My work with the 30-06 yesterday was very promising. I was getting excellent velocities with 165 grain Sierra SP and 150 grain Hornady SP, in most instances with two out of three shots overlapping. A little fine tuning with seating depth should tighten the groups. Now, to find some extra time.
Mike, that is great to hear. I really like the M70's and would like to get an 06 in a FWT to have for my safe. I have more M70's than anything else and they just seem to be very nice for me. The stocks fit me well (Remington M700 CDL's too), and they just feel strong. My old man is not much of a rifle nut, but an absurd hunter who just wants something that works everytime. He bought an Abolt 300WSM after he found out I was coming to get my 338 M70 back from him. He barely used the Browning, and then sold it, said it didn't feel as good as the M70, says it felt "light".. Whatever, he ended up with a used M70 Sporter in 30-06 and has been really happy with it ever since. Rugers, are my second favorite. Sorry for the rant, I guess it turns out to be a Ford, Chevy, Dodge thing for most guys. Scotty
That is why we have chocolate and vanilla. I have more Winchesters than any other rifle, primarily because I like the looks of the Featherweight. It is a bit like my wife buying a car. The colour is more important than any other feature. Nevertheless, I do like the Featherweights. I have only had one that I was unable to get to shoot, which was chambered in 7 X 57. It had a long throat, and I could never even approach the lands. Three inch groups were the best I could do. All of my other rifles shoot very well.

The rifle maker for whom I shoot prefers Borden actions and/or Remington. He made quite a few rifles on Montana actions at one time. Almost all of his work uses synthetic stocks, which is quite reasonable for this particular climate, but I still prefer wood stocks. It has been a slice shooting these rifles. Tenth inch groups are not impossible, even with my ageing eyes. I have shot a lot of Lazzeroni 7.82 Warbirds, 7.82 Patriots, 7.21 Firebirds and 7.21 Tomahawks in the past several years. I can't say that I want any of them, but most do shoot well. Likewise, I have shot a surprising number of 30-378s and 338-378s, as these chamberings seem to attract a lot of attention. None of my experience with these chamberings has created a desire to own them.
I`ll never own a rifle chambered in anything,,,,,that I don`t need or wouldn`t use.

Out of all cartridges though, I wouldn`t own any WSSM. Ugly porportions and very finniky cartridges.
Figured it's about time to add my .01 to this. I have two categories:
1) Calibers I will NOT have for any reason-

Anythin in WSSM

2) Calibers I just don't have a need or even the slightest reason to have:

Any thing larger than my 375RUM

Other than those two categories, most standard production calibers are up for grabs. At this point, I have a caliber for everything in NA and most big game in Africa. With those calibers I have, comes a ton of overlap between their capabilities.
Big Squeeze":2t6rknm4 said:
I`ll never own a rifle chambered in anything,,,,,that I don`t need or wouldn`t use.

Out of all cartridges though, I wouldn`t own any WSSM. Ugly porportions and very finniky cartridges.

I agree with the wssm's
.308 Winchester.

Why not ? Beccause everyone else in Norway owns one. There`s nothing wrong with it, I suppose, but why not think for yourself and buy your own chosen caliber / cartridge.
30-06, 270, 25-06, 325 WSM, any of the WSSM, .243, 7mm mag.

I have no use for a long action caliber if it is not a magnum. I figure I can handload my short action calibers to match them. I own 1 magnum, a .338 WM. It will kill anything in North America.
I don't believe you can ever have to many rifles, on the other hand my old man always said " beware the man with one gun" . I not to fond of the latest mid cal rage, 260 rem, 6.5 mm's, 6.8mm's . They claim to kick like a 243, but hit like a 308. I just don't buy it , I'll use my 243 for coyotes,antelope and deer. The 7mm for deer, moose, and elk. I don't shoot my 300 win mag often enough, but I just sent it out for a muzzle brake, so that will change.
There "IS" nothing more powerfull than your 375 RUM.
M60 tanks wish they had that reach and power. If "war of the worlds" were real the aliens would be "toast" thanks to you and me! :roll: